We were discussing in the F2F (and I guess it is still an on-going topic) about the
components integration in hawkular.
I want to start using accounts with the REST endpoints in alerts and I would like to know
where all the components are going to live.
If I am not wrong, I remember two approaches:
- A big hawkular.ear (with all components inside).
- A modules approach.
So, at some point we need to design integration tests to validate that components work
well with accounts and I guess we need to decide how to do that.
At the moment, I see that components (metrics, alerts) have integration tests, I don't
have the details for metrics, but for alerts what it uses the old nest distribution to put
an embedded cassandra + alerts components to run the REST endpoints.
This is useful as JUnit tests are not enough to validate the full scenarios.
Now I think we need to agree which strategy we need to follow.
Thomas Heute and others commented (if I am wrong, please correct me) that is good to have
glue code and integration tests inside hawkular, so hawkular project has responsability to
put pieces together and validate it is correct.
Gary Brown and others commented (please, if it is not correct, feel free to correct me)
that glue code should live in the component repo, as it has more sense to put our
modifications there instead to propagate the change across several repo.
I like the option b) that the glue code lives in the component, but I see the benefits of
is there a possibility between something in the middle ? A tradeoff between both
approaches ?
So I guess we need to find an agreement, if we need to move code it should be done quickly
and also we need to test things.
I don't see how to proper integrate accounts without this topic more clear.
(I don't remember there is a final decision in the mailing list, please, point me to
that if I missed it).
Thanks a lot,