Hi *,
Short version: I want to release our own fixed Titan 0.5.4-jboss-1 that
works with Cassandra 3.3
Long version:
Titan is a graph database used by Hawkular Inventory. ATM, we use Titan
0.5.4 with Cassandra 2.x.
As I already noted elsewhere, Titan 0.5.4 requires Guava 15 that is
incompatible with Guava 18 required by the newest c* 3.x Driver. The
conflict seems to be solved in the titan05 branch [1] in the
thinkaurelius repo. I asked both their release engineer directly and on
their mailing list [2] if they could release Titan 0.5.5, but got no
reply so far. It does not look like we can hope for a release from them
Therefore, I propose the following:
* I'll fork Titan code from their 0.5.4 tag
* I'll apply the changes necessary for Titan 0.5.4 to work with
Cassandra 3.3
* I'll change the groupId from com.thinkaurelius.titan to org.hawkular.titan
* I'll release the result as Titan 0.5.4-jboss-1
This should be just a temporary solution till Inventory is migrated to
Titan 1.0 API that should work with the newest Cassandra.
Are there any concerns about this proposal?
hawkular-dev mailing list