What would be a good argument to implement the removal of
<scope>import</scope> as proposed by Thomas?
Thank you,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Palaga" <ppalaga(a)>
To: "Discussions around Hawkular development"
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2015 11:50:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Hawkular-dev] Parent POM and Wildfly BOM
On 2015-07-20 17:06, Thomas Segismont wrote:
> Le 20/07/2015 16:15, Peter Palaga a écrit :
>> Yes, I agree there exist maven modules inside HK componets projects that
>> do not consume anything from WF BoM. ptrans is a good example of such
>> one. But I am still failing to see what your proposal is going to
>> improve in ptrans. WF BoM, regardless if it is imported in parent or
>> not, has no influence on ptrans as long as you do not add a dependency
>> on something from the WF BoM. ptrans does not depend on anything managed
> "as long as" is the key. When we upgraded from Wildfly BOM version 8 to
> 9.CR1, I spent half a day getting down to a build issue in Metrics,
> where the rest-tests module suddenly stopped working, just because the
> new BOM broke dependency resolution.
I can follow how hard it was to resolve the issue caused by WF BoM. But
anyway, even if WF BoM was not imported in HK parent, are you not going
to keep using the resteasy managed by WF BoM in rest-tests through
keeping it imported somewhere in the rest-tests pom hierarchy?
You maybe prefer to manage the resteasy client version yourself? -
because otherwise, I do not see how not having WF BoM imported in HK
parent would improve something important for you.
>> in WF BoM, hence there is no impact. The compile class path of ptrans
>> and the resulting jar stay the same regardless if WF BoM is imported in
>> HK parent or not. I see no impact at all.
>> I think I understand now how your proposal is supposed to work, but I
>> fail to see why it is better than the present state.
> It boils down to control of dependency management. With the BOM auto
> imported by the parent, we have to adapt to the Wildfly BOM choices.
Yes, that's true that we loose some control but the gain is that we do
not need to manage the versions of artifacts they manage.
You claim that there are modules where it is harmful. But which ones? In
ptrans, it is harmless, IMO (no dependency -> no problem). In
rest-tests, you probably keep WF BoM included anyway, so removing the WF
BoM include from HK Parent does not change anything. Is there any other
module where the WF BoM include in Parent causes a problem?
-- P
> It
> should not be like this.
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