Please be aware that second check (first is continuous-integration/travis-ci/pr) on each
hawkular-metrics PR now finally does something useful.
Following build
http://jenkins.jonqe.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:9080/job/haw-perf-stability-t...) is
launched for each PR which will:
1 - build the PR
2 - build hawkular-dist using snapshot artifact from step 1
3 - deploy hawkular-dist
4 - start perf test which will
- generate as high load as the hawkular is able to server. Right now from 300 threads
where each thread is using unique tenantId.
- measure average throughput (one request == POST one data point to
http://${server.host}:${server.port}/hawkular/metrics/gauges/test/data and wait for
- check % diff with previous build
- if the % diff is < -2, it will fail the build. Right now it's still not 100%
stable because of shared network, this problem should be fixed soon. Expected instability
is now +/- 2 % so anything bigger than 2% should be considered as regression
5 - report status back to the PR
So please from now on pay attention to result of that check and ping me if it fails.
Consider this just as first step, there will be more next week since we have more time now
(JON 3.3.3 is out).
It would be nice if anybody could create a PR which would test this (just include some
tiny sleep into request processing)