The two most consumable pieces of hawkular are Standalone Alerts and
Standalone Metrics. And these should be featured most prominently on
the web site (imo). Because the "Hawkular" prefix is so cumbersome to
say, I think we should typically call these things "hAlerts" and
"hMetrics". I like the idea of also having the home page lead to other
things Hawkular, such as Tracing, MIQ Provider (much better than
calling it Hawkular Services), HawkFX, The ruby gems, etc... The fact
that Metrics bundles Alerts enhances the Metrics offering but remember
that this is primarily a metrics solution. HAlerts should be featured
independently as a standalone, pluggable solution for federated alerting.
As mentioned prior:
* hServices really has only one consumer, MIQ, and should likely just
be presented in that way.
* hAlerts does *not* bundle metrics.
* we should probably take a look at the docker hub and make sure it is
On 7/5/2017 1:47 AM, Thomas Heute wrote:
Alerts don't include Metrics, but the opposite is true for a few
releases now (it has not always been the case).
Yes, Hawkular Services is/was the go-to place since it had everything
included (Alerting, Metrics, Inventory(RIP), EAP Agent, Command
Gateway, "glue code")...
The EAP Agent and Command Gateway are pretty much related to ManageIQ
so we could make the switch and claim it is for ManageIQ (and work in
that direction) but then we first need an easy way to consume
Metrics+Alerting, currently there is no binary for that (No Zip, No
Docker) which has been missing for a whiile, there is also no
quickstart except for Alerting.
On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 7:55 PM, Josejulio Martinez Magana
<jmartine(a) <>> wrote:
i might be wrong, but services = metrics (with alerts) + agent +
glue code between agent and alerts(notifications) + status page
On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 12:43 PM, Edgar Hernandez Garcia
<ehernand(a) <>> wrote:
Yes, its a little confusing.
May be I'm wrong in that alerts include metrics (I wrote that
only trusting my memory). If I'm wrong, it's ok to keep them
as separate releases. But the confusion remains between
metrics and services, because it's not very clear how you
choose between metrics and services.
On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 12:24 PM, Josejulio Martinez Magana
<jmartine(a) <>> wrote:
I didn't know alerts included metrics (I knew that metrics
included alerts)
If they include each other, why not call them as a whole
instead as the parts?
Is confusing for me that they are two distributions and
that each that are mutually included in each other. What's
the difference?
On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 12:04 PM, Edgar Hernandez Garcia
<ehernand(a) <>> wrote:
On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 11:55 AM, Edgar Hernández
<ehernand(a) <>> wrote:
And, now, starting with "metrics 0.27.0
I can see that metrics also includes alerts.
I just realized that alerts is included with metrics
even with previous releases. So, both parts have been
shipping the other part for a while. Now, it's got
weirder for me.
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