There's a couple of things involved:
1) The inventory 0.8.0 release was done late on Friday upon Mazz's request. So
we haven't had time to send PRs to affected projects - in the end I managed to
patch agent to conform to 0.8.0 on Fri but the UI has been patched only today.
2) I relied more than I probably should have on Jirka being both UI and Inv
person so I knew UI will get a proper treatment to become compatible.
3) This was long overdue and promised from the beginning ("feed should only
need to remember its ID mantra"), so I was eager to get it in.
4) I concentrate more on having the agent working than on producing some
detailed release notes (and I've been on that today - trying to summarize the
changes in some comprehensible package).
I would probably summarize all that to "Don't release on Friday afternoon"
On Monday, November 09, 2015 08:11:00 Heiko W.Rupp wrote:
I saw this on irc:
[2015-11-06T21:19:27+0100] <mazz> I was going to update kettle, but
that's broken if pulling in the
latest agent and inventory. looks like we'll need to get the UI to
know that feeds are no longer under
We have clients that use subsystems like inventory today - internal like
and UI and also external ones.
If we make such changes we need to communicate them here so that
everyone knows about them. And not only what has changed, but also
something like a list of previous->new and when it applies (e.g. is in
inv-0.8.15 and
will be in Hawkular-1.0.7
With our rest apis, we should perhaps even transparently redirect
to give old clients time to transition to the new model / api /
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