we're using WildFly 10.1.0 and we need more monitoring ;)
I hope this is the right mailing list.
The target picture is
-InfluxDB as TSDB for archiving performance relevant measurements
-Grafana for creating and sharing dashboards
We'd like to use "standard" tools as much as possible. JMX is a mature
standard and we'd like to use it for publishing the metrics.
Using jmxtrans (
https://github.com/jmxtrans/jmxtrans) we're able to get a
lot of details about JVM and parts of WildFly.
We're lacking visibility on
-connection pools
-thread pools
-EJBs (remoting)
-web services
How could hawkular help here?
InfluxDB is not set into stone but is the preferred solution.
Kind regards,