New Hawkular blog post from noreply(a) (Pavol Loffay):
In the previous demo we have demonstrated how to instrument a Spring Boot app using
OpenTracing, a vendor-neutral standard for distributed tracing. In this article we are
going to instrument a Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS), and show you how to
trace the business layer and add custom data to the trace.
Demo application
Creating a JAX-RS app from scratch can be a time consuming task, therefore in this case we
are going to use Wildfly Swarm’s app generator. Select JAX-RS and CDI dependencies and hit
generate button.
Figure 1: Wildfly Swarm generator.
The generated application contains one REST endpoint which returns hello world string.
This endpoint is accessible on
http://localhost:8080/hello. In the next step we are going
to add instrumentation and simple business logic.
Adding OpenTracing instrumentation to JAX-RS is very simple, just include the following
dependency in the classpath and the tracing feature will be automatically registered.
OpenTracing is just an API, therefore it is required to register a specific tracer
instance. In this demo we are going to use Jaeger tracing system. The tracer should be
created and initialized only once per process, hence ServletContextListener is the ideal
place for this task:
public class TracingContextListener implements ServletContextListener {
private io.opentracing.Tracer tracer;
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce) {}
public static io.opentracing.Tracer jaegerTracer() {
return new Configuration("wildfly-swarm", new
ProbabilisticSampler.TYPE, 1),
new Configuration.ReporterConfiguration())
Tracer initialization code requires to specify app name, which is in this case
wildfly-swarm and sampler configuration.
Note that we are suing Java’s Context and Dependency Injection (CDI) to share a tracer
instance in our app. If we forget to register a specific tracer instance, then the tracing
feature would use NoopTracer. Now we can verify tracing by starting Jaeger server using
the following command: docker run --rm -it --network=host jaegertracing/all-in-one and
accessing the endpoint at
http://localhost:8080/hello. Our trace with one span should be
present in the UI at
Instrumenting business logic
JAX-RS instrumentation provides nice visibility into your app, however, it is often
necessary to add custom data to the trace to see what is happening in the service or
database layer.
The following code snippet shows how the service layer can create and add data to the
public class BackendService {
private io.opentracing.Tracer tracer;
public String action() throws InterruptedException {
int random = new Random().nextInt(200);
try (ActiveSpan span = tracer.buildSpan("action").startActive()) {
return String.valueOf(random);
private void anotherAction() {
Note that it’s not necessary to manually pass a span instance around. The method
anotherAction accesses the current active span from the tracer.
With the additional instrumentation shown above, an invocation of the REST endpoint would
result in a trace consisting of two spans, one representing the inbound server request,
and the other the business logic. The span representing server processing is automatically
considered as the parent for span created in business layer. If we created span in
anotherAction then its parent would be span created in action method.
Figure 1: Jaeger showing reported spans.
We have demonstrated that instrumenting a JAX-RS app is just a matter of adding a
dependency and registering a tracer instance. If we would like to use a different
OpenTracing implementation, Zipkin for instance, it would just require changing tracer
producer code. No changes to the application or business logic! In the next demo we will
wire this app with Spring Boot created in previous demo and deploy them on Kubernetes.
Github repository with demo:
OpenTracing JAX-RS instrumentation:
from Hawkular Blog