When the agent starts for the very first time, it needs to generate a feed ID for itself -
if inside WF9 the feed ID is typically the hostname (its convoluted, but normally that is
what it is). On WF10, its the WildFly server's UUID. About a week ago, I let the agent
be told what feed ID to use via its feedId attribute in <storage-adapter> for those
that don't want the UUID to be the feed ID.
But people didn't want to have to edit standalone.xml to set their feed ID. So I
released a new agent (0.15.6.Final) that adds a new feature to the agent installer - you
can now pass in --feed-id (or set feed-id in the installer config file) to the installer
which will set the feedId attribute in the agent <storage-adapter> config.
This still doesn't get you all the way to what people want (which is being able to
pass in -Dhawkular.agent.feedid=myfeedid when starting the Hawkular Server). So this PR is
now submitted:
When this is merged, that feature will be enabled - if you pass in
-Dhawkular.agent.feedid=XYZ the first time the agent is started it will use that when it
creates its feed id. If you don't pass it in, the agent autogenerates its feed id like
it always has in the past.
I don't know if people want this merged into master for the release tomorrow or not -
I'll leave that for someone else to decide. The PR is there if you want it.
--John Mazz