1. What are the various protocols for(dmr, jmx, platform)?
That is mostly on how to obtain the data. Dmr is some
Wildlfy-internal protocol, that is detyped and can be
accessed from external with some sort of rest-api.
Jmx are the java management extensions and can be
used to talk to remote java vms and obtain management
information from there.
2. And there's Resource and ResourceType, each of them holds a
what's the relation between them? Are they isomorphic and each node of
ResouceType annotates the corresponding Resource node?
No. It is rather the relation of class (=ResourceType) and
its instantiated object (=Resource). Check e.g. the Datasources
where you have one ResourceType "DataSource" and multiple
datasources of this type like HawkularDS and KeycloakDS