
  • 1 participants
  • 876 discussions
[JIRA] (HHH-16128) Parameters out of order on inner join with entities with @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
by Jose Freire (JIRA)
1 year, 12 months
[JIRA] (HHH-16013) Lazy loading fails with "Generation of HibernateProxy instances at runtime is not allowed" when run as native
by cstrobl (JIRA)
1 year, 12 months
[JIRA] (HHH-15999) Hibernate 6.1.6.Final TableGenerator produces negative ID's
by Andrea Boriero (JIRA)
1 year, 12 months
[JIRA] (HSEARCH-4616) Rename automatic indexing to something more explicit
by Yoann Rodière (JIRA)
1 year, 12 months
[JIRA] (HHH-16130) Unable to invoke Postgres date_trunc function via CriteriaApi
by Réda Housni Alaoui (JIRA)
1 year, 12 months
[JIRA] (HHH-16129) @Converter(autoapply=true) slow
by boutss (JIRA)
1 year, 12 months
[JIRA] (HHH-16129) @Converter(autoapply=true) slow
by boutss (JIRA)
1 year, 12 months
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