[JBoss JIRA] (ISPN-1534) Optimise Hot Rod client and server to work with asynchronous distributed caches
by Galder Zamarreño (Created) (JIRA)
Optimise Hot Rod client and server to work with asynchronous distributed caches
Key: ISPN-1534
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-1534
Project: Infinispan
Issue Type: Feature Request
Components: Cache Server
Reporter: Galder Zamarreño
Assignee: Galder Zamarreño
Fix For: 5.2.0.FINAL
With Hot Rod clients, we can control where to direct invocations too, so there's a very interesting performance optimization we can apply with distributed caches. We can tolerate, and benefit from the speed of, asynchronous distributed caches very easily if we can get Hot Rod clients to always hit the owner of a key.
It's a bit like sticky sessions, but applied to remote distributed caches! I think this would improve performance of our Hot Rod architecture quite notably.
I think the Hot Rod client already works this way since I don't think it load balances between owners of a key.
So, the aim of this JIRA is to:
1. Verify whether the Hot Rod client works this way
2. Consider whether Hot Rod servers could transform, on the fly, synchronous distributed caches into asynchronous ones, indicating so in the logs (INFO level).
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12 years, 4 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (ISPN-1146) Improve documentation around transaction and locking
by Mircea Markus (JIRA)
Improve documentation around transaction and locking
Key: ISPN-1146
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-1146
Project: Infinispan
Issue Type: Task
Components: Transactions
Reporter: Mircea Markus
Assignee: Mircea Markus
Fix For: 5.1.0.Final
As suggested by Jonathan Halliday:
- preserving some subset of the existing transactional guarantees is all well and good BUT if the user is relying on additional 'guarantees' that are not preserved in all cases then they'll be in trouble. Therefore, it's essential to document not just what the minimum expected guarantees for a given config are, but also that no additional properties that may coincidently be observed are actually guaranteed. Some vendors go further and explicitly document the bad things that may happen with given settings, since in some cases these are not easy to reproduce in testing.
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12 years, 4 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (ISPN-825) Consider staggering remote get requests when using DIST
by Manik Surtani (JIRA)
Consider staggering remote get requests when using DIST
Key: ISPN-825
URL: https://jira.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-825
Project: Infinispan
Issue Type: Feature Request
Components: RPC
Affects Versions: 4.1.0.Final
Reporter: Manik Surtani
Assignee: Manik Surtani
Fix For: 5.0.0.BETA1, 5.0.0.Final
In DIST mode, when a request is made on a key that is not mapped locally, a remote get is sent to all data owners of that key and the first response is used. This can add unnecessary load on the network as all nodes still eventually respond, and if values are large this can cause a lot of unnecessary network traffic.
The purpose of broadcasting to all data owners is so that (1) if one is down, another could still respond (2) if one is overloaded, others may respond faster.
A solution around this could be based on either (or both) of:
* Provide a configurable stagger timeout, e.g. 100ms. E.g., RPC to (random) Owner1. Wait for timeout t. If no response, RPC to Owner2. etc.
* Always broadcast to a (configurable) subset of owners, e.g., always 2 even if numOwners is 5.
Needs careful thought and design.
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12 years, 4 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (ISPN-317) when unsafeReturnValues is false, combine put, remove, replace, putIfAbsent, to pull back responses in 1 command
by Mircea Markus (JIRA)
when unsafeReturnValues is false, combine put, remove, replace, putIfAbsent, to pull back responses in 1 command
Key: ISPN-317
URL: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/ISPN-317
Project: Infinispan
Issue Type: Feature Request
Reporter: Mircea Markus
Assignee: Manik Surtani
Fix For: 4.1.0.CR1
at the moment this is split in two operations: a remote get followed by an put. Optimize this to only reside in one operation.
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12 years, 4 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (ISPN-1345) Dirty reads may occurs on mutable objects
by Christophe Labouisse (JIRA)
Dirty reads may occurs on mutable objects
Key: ISPN-1345
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-1345
Project: Infinispan
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Transactions
Affects Versions: 5.0.0.FINAL
Environment: Windows Java 1.6.0_26
Reporter: Christophe Labouisse
Assignee: Manik Surtani
In local mode, I create a cache like this:
cacheManager = new DefaultCacheManager();
final Configuration config = new Configuration().fluent().transactionManagerLookup(this.tmLookup).locking()
this.cacheManager.defineConfiguration("Gruik", config);
this.cache = this.cacheManager.getCache("Gruik");
When retrieving data using {{cache.get(_key_)}} I find out that Infinispan returns the object instance actually stored in the cache datastore. This is OK when the inserted objects are immutable but fails to achieve isolation when using mutable objects.
For instance on a simple Pojo with a {{get/setValue}}.
|1|Starts transaction| |
|2|{{value = cache.get(KEY);}}| |
|3|{{System.out.println(value.getValue());}} Prints 42| |
|4| |Starts transaction|
|5| |{{value = cache.get(KEY);}} Same instance than step 2|
|6| |{{value.setValue(666); // Prepare update}}|
|7|{{System.out.println(value.getValue());}} Prints 666 !| |
|8|{{value = cache.get(KEY);}} Same instance than step 2| |
|9| |{{cache.put(KEY,value);}}|
|10| |Commits transaction|
|11|{{value = cache.get(KEY);}} Same instance than step 2| |
|12|{{System.out.println(value.getValue());}} Prints 666| |
|13|Commits transaction| |
According to the READ_COMMITTED specification, the value returned printed on step 7 should be 42, as the setting to 666 is not committed yes.
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12 years, 4 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (ISPN-1213) TreeCache expires parents that have children
by Todd Ciezadlo (JIRA)
TreeCache expires parents that have children
Key: ISPN-1213
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-1213
Project: Infinispan
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Eviction
Affects Versions: 4.2.1.FINAL
Reporter: Todd Ciezadlo
Assignee: Manik Surtani
TreeCache parents expire according to the max-idle value even if they contain children. This puts the tree cache in an inconsistent state since the "dangling" children can be retrieved through TreeCache.get(FQN, String) calls, but cannot be traversed to through TreeCache.getRoot() and Node.getChildren() calls.
Copied a unit test to Steps to Reproduce.
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12 years, 4 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (ISPN-761) Cache.keySet(), entrySet(), values(), size() ignore contents of cache loader
by Paul Ferraro (JIRA)
Cache.keySet(),entrySet(),values(),size() ignore contents of cache loader
Key: ISPN-761
URL: https://jira.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-761
Project: Infinispan
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Loaders and Stores
Affects Versions: 4.2.0.BETA1
Reporter: Paul Ferraro
Assignee: Manik Surtani
Passivated cache entries are not represented in values returned by the keySet(), entrySet(), values(), and size() Cache methods. This results in inconsistent behavior, since it is possible that a given cache key may not be contained in keySet() even though Cache.get(...) would return a non-null value if the entry was previously passivated.
I think CacheLoaderInterceptor needs to implement the following methods:
Object visitSizeCommand(InvocationContext ctx, SizeCommand command) throws Throwable
Object visitValuesCommand(InvocationContext ctx, ValuesCommand command) throws Throwable
Object visitEntrySetCommand(InvocationContext ctx, EntrySetCommand command) throws Throwable
Object visitKeySetCommand(InvocationContext ctx, KeySetCommand command) throws Throwable
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12 years, 4 months