[JBoss JIRA] (ISPN-5805) Allow forEach consumer to have a Cache Injected
by William Burns (JIRA)
William Burns created ISPN-5805:
Summary: Allow forEach consumer to have a Cache Injected
Key: ISPN-5805
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-5805
Project: Infinispan
Issue Type: Sub-task
Components: Core
Affects Versions: 8.0.1.Final
Reporter: William Burns
Assignee: William Burns
Cache Injection was purposely left out with distributed streams. This is due to map/reduce requiring CDI to do injection. Do we still want to do that or just do something simple like an extra interface?
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9 years, 5 months
[JBoss JIRA] (ISPN-5804) Cache collections iterator doesn't support remove with a cache loader
by William Burns (JIRA)
William Burns created ISPN-5804:
Summary: Cache collections iterator doesn't support remove with a cache loader
Key: ISPN-5804
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-5804
Project: Infinispan
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Core
Affects Versions: 8.0.1.Final
Reporter: William Burns
Assignee: William Burns
The iterator retrieved from the various collection of a Cache (entrySet, keySet, values) do not work properly when a cache loader interceptor. This is caused by using a CloseableIterator retrieved from the stream of the cache.
CloseableIterator<CacheEntry<K, V>> iterator = Closeables.iterator(entrySet.stream());
We should wrap super iterator like MarshalledValueInterceptor does.
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9 years, 5 months
[JBoss JIRA] (ISPN-5803) Custom Key Results in ClassCastException in CacheLoader
by Dan Siviter (JIRA)
Dan Siviter created ISPN-5803:
Summary: Custom Key Results in ClassCastException in CacheLoader
Key: ISPN-5803
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-5803
Project: Infinispan
Issue Type: Bug
Components: JCache
Affects Versions: 8.0.1.Final
Reporter: Dan Siviter
If a a JCache is created using a read-through {{javax.cache.integration.CacheLoader}} using a custom Serializable key (in this case {{acme.MyCache$MyKey}}) a {{ClassCastException}} is thrown when trying to pass the key value of {{org.infinispan.marshall.core.MarshalledValue}} instead of {{MarshalledValue#get()}} into the {{CacheLoader}} instance.
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.infinispan.marshall.core.MarshalledValue cannot be cast to acme.MyCache$MyKey
at acme.MyCache$2.load(MyCache.java:1) [my-app-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:]
at org.infinispan.jcache.embedded.JCacheLoaderAdapter.loadKey(JCacheLoaderAdapter.java:65) [infinispan-jcache-8.0.1.Final.jar:8.0.1.Final]
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9 years, 5 months
[JBoss JIRA] (ISPN-5801) Cache with CacheLoader and CreatedExpiryPolicy Invalidates Instantly
by Dan Siviter (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-5801?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.... ]
Dan Siviter edited comment on ISPN-5801 at 10/1/15 7:02 AM:
So looking at the code comments in {{JCacheInternalMetadata}} it states {{#expiry}} is:
bq. // absolute time when entry should expire
However, if {{CreatedExpiryPolicy}} is set to {{Duration#FIVE_MINUTES}} this value will be 300,000ms. This causes {{JCacheInternalMetadata#isExpired}} to return {{true}}. Personally, I'd say that {{#expiry}} should be the offset and not absolute time. Therefore, the issue could be fixed using:
public boolean isExpired(long now) {
return expiry > -1 && (created + expiry) <= now;
...but I'm not sure of the impact of this.
was (Author: dan_siviter):
So looking at the code comments in {{JCacheInternalMetadata}} it states {{#expiry}} is:
bq. // absolute time when entry should expire
However, if {{CreatedExpiryPolicy}} is set to {{Duration#FIVE_MINUTES}} this value will be 300,000ms. This causes {{JCacheInternalMetadata#isExpired}} to return the incorrect value. Personally, I'd say that {{#expiry}} should be the offset and not absolute time. Therefore, the issue could be fixed using:
public boolean isExpired(long now) {
return expiry > -1 && (created + expiry) <= now;
...but I'm not sure of the impact of this.
> Cache with CacheLoader and CreatedExpiryPolicy Invalidates Instantly
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: ISPN-5801
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-5801
> Project: Infinispan
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: JCache
> Affects Versions: 8.0.1.Final
> Reporter: Dan Siviter
> When using a {{javax.cache.expiry.CreatedExpiryPolicy}} and a {{javax.cache.integration.CacheLoader}} the value generated for the {{org.infinispan.jcache.embedded/JCacheInternalMetadata#expiry}} is not relative to {{TimeService#wallClockTime}}. It therefore invalidates the entry instantly.
> I believe the problem is in {{org.infinispan.jcache.embedded.JCacheLoaderAdapter\[line=48\]}} where {{org.infinispan.jcache.Expiration#getExpiry(...)}} doesn't calculate the relative value so {{org.infinispan.jcache.embedded.JCacheInternalMetadata#isExpired}} always returns {{true}}.
> Unfortunately, work doesn't allow me to upload code so I can't submit an example.
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9 years, 5 months
[JBoss JIRA] (ISPN-5801) Cache with CacheLoader and CreatedExpiryPolicy Invalidates Instantly
by Dan Siviter (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-5801?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.... ]
Dan Siviter commented on ISPN-5801:
So looking at the code comments in {{JCacheInternalMetadata}} it states {{#expiry}} is:
bq. // absolute time when entry should expire
However, if {{CreatedExpiryPolicy}} is set to {{Duration#FIVE_MINUTES}} this value will be 300,000ms. This causes {{JCacheInternalMetadata#isExpired}} to return the incorrect value. Personally, I'd say that {{#expiry}} should be the offset and not absolute time. Therefore, the issue could be fixed using:
public boolean isExpired(long now) {
return expiry > -1 && (created + expiry) <= now;
...but I'm not sure of the impact of this.
> Cache with CacheLoader and CreatedExpiryPolicy Invalidates Instantly
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: ISPN-5801
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-5801
> Project: Infinispan
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: JCache
> Affects Versions: 8.0.1.Final
> Reporter: Dan Siviter
> When using a {{javax.cache.expiry.CreatedExpiryPolicy}} and a {{javax.cache.integration.CacheLoader}} the value generated for the {{org.infinispan.jcache.embedded/JCacheInternalMetadata#expiry}} is not relative to {{TimeService#wallClockTime}}. It therefore invalidates the entry instantly.
> I believe the problem is in {{org.infinispan.jcache.embedded.JCacheLoaderAdapter\[line=48\]}} where {{org.infinispan.jcache.Expiration#getExpiry(...)}} doesn't calculate the relative value so {{org.infinispan.jcache.embedded.JCacheInternalMetadata#isExpired}} always returns {{true}}.
> Unfortunately, work doesn't allow me to upload code so I can't submit an example.
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9 years, 5 months
[JBoss JIRA] (ISPN-5776) Restart cluster action
by Pedro Zapata (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-5776?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.... ]
Pedro Zapata updated ISPN-5776:
Component/s: Console
(was: JMX, reporting and management)
> Restart cluster action
> ----------------------
> Key: ISPN-5776
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-5776
> Project: Infinispan
> Issue Type: Sub-task
> Components: Console
> Reporter: Pedro Zapata
> Assignee: Vladimir Blagojevic
> As an administrator, I want to gracefully restart the cluster. For caches which have a cache-store configured, I want their data to get preloaded without losing any data. Caches which do not have a cache store configured will initially contain no data.
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9 years, 5 months
[JBoss JIRA] (ISPN-5760) View nodes in cluster - page
by Pedro Zapata (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-5760?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.... ]
Pedro Zapata updated ISPN-5760:
As an administrator, I want to view the set of Nodes comprising my cluster, in a intuitive, pictorial manner. Although the number of nodes in a cluster is usually less than 75, the method of visualization should scale to up to a 1,000 nodes.
See mockup at:
As an administrator, I want to view the set of Nodes comprising my cluster, in a intuitive, pictorial manner. Although the number of nodes in a cluster is usually less than 75, the method of visualization should scale to up to a 1,000 nodes.
See mockup at:
> View nodes in cluster - page
> ----------------------------
> Key: ISPN-5760
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-5760
> Project: Infinispan
> Issue Type: Sub-task
> Components: Console
> Reporter: Pedro Zapata
> Assignee: Vladimir Blagojevic
> As an administrator, I want to view the set of Nodes comprising my cluster, in a intuitive, pictorial manner. Although the number of nodes in a cluster is usually less than 75, the method of visualization should scale to up to a 1,000 nodes.
> See mockup at:
> https://rawgit.com/infinispan/infinispan-console-mockup/master/cluster-no...
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9 years, 5 months