[JBoss JIRA] (ISPN-3664) Improve write command processing
by Dan Berindei (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-3664?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.... ]
Work on ISPN-3664 started by Dan Berindei.
> Improve write command processing
> --------------------------------
> Key: ISPN-3664
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-3664
> Project: Infinispan
> Issue Type: Enhancement
> Components: Core
> Affects Versions: 6.0.0.CR1
> Reporter: Pedro Ruivo
> Assignee: Dan Berindei
> Major refactorization of the write command with the following goals:
> -> Base WriteCommand: all the write command has the same workflow through the interceptor chain
> -> Create a concrete WriteCommand for each operation (put, remove, replace, replaceIfEquals, removeIfEquals, putIfAbsent)
> -> Extend the interceptor chain to process each one of the command and add a new "visitWriteCommand", that is invoked by the default visitX methods.
> -> (minor) change the GetKeyValueCommand to ReadCommand to make name "compatible" with WriteCommand.
> Note that most of the interceptor only needs to implement the visitWriteCommand because all the write command has the same execution flow. The basic flow of the write commands are: (non-tx) lock, fetch value (cachestore/remote), check condition and apply change. for tx mode, lock (if pessimistic), fetch value (cache loader, remote, etc), apply change and add it to the transaction (if successful)
> Also, another advantage is the simplification of the EntryFactory because if we think a little about it, independent of the write command we need to wrap the entry anyway.
> Suggested implementation
> {code:java}
> class abstract WriteCommand
> Object key, Object newValue
> boolen match(Object currentValue) //true by default
> boolean needsRemoteGetBeforeWrite() //true by default
> object perform() //common implementation like: if (match(entry.getValue()) then entry.setValue(newValue); entry.setChanged(true); entry.setRemoved(newValue == null)}
> {code}
> * Concrete implementations*
> {code:java}
> {PutCommand|RemoveCommand} extends WriteCommand
> ovewrite needsRemoteGetBeforeWrite() {return !flags.contains(IGNORE_RETURN_VALUE)}
> ReplaceIfPresentCommand extends WriteCommand
> ovewrite match(Object currentValue) {return currentValue != null}
> PutIfAbsentCommand extends WriteCommand
> ovewrite match(Object currentValue) {return currentValue == null}
> {code}
> * Special base class for operation with expected value to compare*
> {code:java}
> class abstract AdvancedWriteCommand extends WriteCommand
> Object expectedValue
> match(Object currentValue) {return currentValue.equals(expectedValue)}
> {RemoveIfEquals|ReplaceIfEquals} extends AdvancedWriteCommand //no different implementation needed.
> {code}
> ps: I'm going to open the discussion in the dev mailing list...
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