Dan Berindei reassigned ISPN-8171:
Assignee: Pedro Ruivo (was: Dan Berindei)
TrianglePerCacheInboundInvocationHandler sends
IllegalLifecycleStateException in response
Key: ISPN-8171
Project: Infinispan
Issue Type: Bug
Reporter: Dan Berindei
Assignee: Pedro Ruivo
Labels: testsuite_stability
For synchronous operations, the invocation handler catches
{{IllegalLifecycleStateException}} and sends a {{CacheNotFoundResponse}} instead of an
{{TrianglePerCacheInboundInvocationHandler}} doesn't follow the same rule, and the
response created by {{BaseBlockingRunnable.afterCommandException()}} is ignored. But the
caller doesn't know what to do with the
{{ExceptionAckCommand(throwable=org.infinispan.IllegalLifecycleStateException)}}, and the
exception is propagated all the way to the caller.
This is causing some of the random failures in
{{NonTxPutIfAbsentDuringLeaveStressTest.testNodeLeavingDuringPutIfAbsent}} (but different
from the failures in ISPN-6451).