Help - two issues
Good Day,
Today I was trying to front-end KeyCloak with Apache.
Keycloak 1.9.5 is installed successfully on linix, I can tuunel to it and
log in using admin creds I set up.
I installed a webserver and configured SSL for the webserver and Keycloak
as outlined in 3.2.6. SSL/HTTPS Requirement/Modes through Configure Wildfly undertow subsystem
I restarted the webserver and the keycloak server.
The webserver shows the credential pop up stating the site is "strictly
private". Creds do not allow me to log in through a webserver, only if I
use the SSH tunnel.
Not sure were to go - the instruction are pretty simple, I suspect a
config issue - not sure where though.
Second issue, using the SSH tunnel, I enable require "ALL SSL" as a test
knowing full well I could get locked out completely. How can I reset the
require ALL SSL without using the console?
Thanks in advance.
James Saxton
Software Infrastructure Division
Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
One Columbus Circle, N.E.
Washington, DC 20544
(C) 908-910-5566
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