I would like to get some guidance on following scenario.
I have a requirement to skip keycloak login page by setting up header
using bearer token. Is this a right approach ? or is there any way I
can skip login page and be able to logged in customer service console
1) create bearer token invoking:
POST to http://<server>/auth/realms/test/protocol/openid-connect/token/
with post data:
read the token from response
2) do a get using new XMLHttpRequest() and setting the header
xhr.open("GET", "http://<server>/csc/", true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token);
after doing this we can see on network traces that it actually bring
the subscribed ID page but with this we do only a "static" get, and we
see all cookies are set
3) finally from page we do a redirect to
http://server/csc so browser
really opens the portal (and not just get the content), but at this
stage we get redirected to Keycloak login form
I don't want redirect to login form, I need guidance on this. Is this
possible to have auto login ? or anyway we can skip login page ?