Plugging in Credential Store backed ExpressionResolver
by Darran Lofthouse
Presently working on WFCORE-4360 adding support for expression resolution
backed by a credential store - the main barrier is going to be the solution
to bridge expression resolution with a subsystem provided component.
I am wondering if the following is going to be viable to support a
configurable expression resolver from a subsystem.
I see the RuntimeExpressionResolver is created very early in the boot
process, however at the time it is created the CapabilityRegistry is also
available. This …
[View More]is making me think if the CapabilityRegistry can be passed
in to the RuntimeExpressionResolver.
I would then imagine the resource handling expression resolution would
register a non-dynamic capability which exposes an expression resolver
runtime API. This in turn may also need to cross reference a credential
store which would also need to be accessible using the runtime API of a
At the time of expression resolution the RuntimeExpressionResolver would
then check the CapabilityRegistry to see if an expression resolver has been
registered and attempt to use it falling back to vault then default
ModelNode resolution if it does not resolve the expression.
Using a runtime API I suspect I would likely need to trigger the
initialisation of these APIs at the start of Stage.RUNTIME - that looks
feasible by adding a stage to Stage.RUNTIME with addFirst test to true -
maybe to be safe these should also start on demand based on first access.
Darran Lofthouse.
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4 years
Updating the WildFly archetypes
by Wolfgang Knauf
the archetypes at
(e.g. "wildfly-javaee7-webapp-ear-blank-archetype") are for WildFly 8,
and when updating the WildFly version in pom.xmls, a lot of further
changes is required, see
(which is only part of the changes).
I am interested in creating new archetypes for WildFly 15. What do you
My plan is to name them e.g.
"wildfly15-javaee8-webapp-ear-blank-archetype" and to create a new
[View More]archetype version each time a new WildFly major version is released.
If you are OK with this, I will struggle with my first steps in Git, and
I probably will ask some more or less dumb questions about details ;-).
Best regards
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5 years, 4 months
Delay in WildFly 18.0.0.Final
by Brian Stansberry
I'm sorry to say that we've decided to delay the WildFly 18 Final release,
probably by at least seven days. There are a few critical bugs we want
resolved in the final, and those will require some component upgrades that
will take some time.
Please note that we won't be merging further changes for 18 unrelated to
the blocking issues that we're tracking. If that starts to be disruptive
we can look next week at creating the 18.0.x branch before the final and
using it for the last few changes, …
[View More]opening master up for work on 19.
Thanks everyone, for all your efforts on WildFly 18!
Best regards,
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5 years, 5 months
by Philippe Marschall
Sorry for pushing this but I wanted to ask if somebody could have a look
at LOGMGR-260 [1] and the corresponding PR [2].
We believe this affects everybody that runs WildFly on Java 9+ and uses
JMX over RMI (the default implementation). The bug causes all
java.util.logging.Loggers used by JDK modules to have Level.ALL. The log
messages won't be written but the guards will fail and the LogRecords
will get created.
We have are running a custom patch with the PR but we would like to see
this …
[View More]merged so that we can get rid of the patch.
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5 years, 5 months
Component upgrades report - Wildfly
Generated at 17:03:04 2019-09-17 -> 0.9.6 -> 2.8.5
com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.9.0 -> 3.9.1
com.sun.istack:istack-commons-runtime:3.0.7 -> 3.0.8
com.sun.xml.bind.external:relaxng-datatype:2.3.1 -> 2.3.2
com.sun.xml.fastinfoset:FastInfoset:1.2.13 -> 1.2.16
commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:1.9.3 -> 1.9.4
io.netty:netty-all:4.1.34.Final -> 4.1.41.Final
[View More]interceptors:0.0.4 -> 0.0.5
io.opentracing.contrib:opentracing-tracerresolver:0.1.5 -> 0.1.8
io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:2.2.2 -> 2.2.12
io.smallrye:smallrye-config:1.3.6 -> 1.3.9
io.smallrye:smallrye-opentracing:1.3.0 -> 1.3.2
io.undertow.js:undertow-js:1.0.2.Final -> 1.0.3.Final
joda-time:joda-time:2.9.7 -> 2.9.9
net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy:1.9.11 -> 1.9.16
org.apache.avro:avro:1.7.6 -> 1.7.7
org.apache.james:apache-mime4j:0.6 -> 0.6.1
org.apache.myfaces.core:myfaces-api:2.3.1 -> 2.3.4
org.apache.openjpa:openjpa-kernel:2.4.2 -> 2.4.3
org.apache.qpid:proton-j:0.33.1 -> 0.33.2
org.cryptacular:cryptacular:1.2.0 -> 1.2.3
org.eclipse:yasson:1.0.4 -> 1.0.5 -> 1.3.3
org.eclipse.persistence:eclipselink:2.7.3 -> 2.7.4
org.glassfish:jakarta.el:3.0.2 -> 3.0.3
org.jasypt:jasypt:1.9.2 -> 1.9.3
org.jboss.arquillian.container:arquillian-container-test-spi:1.4.0.Final -> 1.4.1.Final
org.jboss.xnio.netty:netty-xnio-transport:0.1.6.Final -> 0.1.8.Final
org.opensaml:opensaml-core:3.3.0 -> 3.3.1
org.reactivestreams:reactive-streams:1.0.2 -> 1.0.3
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5 years, 5 months
Kafka + logging
by Dustin Kut Moy Cheung
I'm following this guide to get logging sent to kafka:
This works on EAP 7.2.3.GA running on JDK 8, but fails to run on JDK 11:
15:54:28,819 ERROR []
(Controller Boot Thread) WFLYCTL0013: Operation ("add") failed -
address: ([
("subsystem" => "logging"),
("custom-handler" => "kafka")
]): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to load module
"org.apache.log4j" for …
[View More]pojo "kafka"
Do you think this is related to the new module system in JDK 11 and I
need to add some extra JVM flags to get it to work?
Thank you for your help!
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5 years, 5 months
Component upgrades report - Wildfly
by Tomas Hofman
Generated at 16:33:25 2019-09-18 -> 0.9.6 -> 2.8.5
com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.9.0 -> 3.9.1
com.sun.istack:istack-commons-runtime:3.0.7 -> 3.0.9
com.sun.xml.bind.external:relaxng-datatype:2.3.1 -> 2.3.2
com.sun.xml.fastinfoset:FastInfoset:1.2.13 -> 1.2.16
commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:1.9.3 -> 1.9.4
io.netty:netty-all:4.1.34.Final -> 4.1.41.Final
[View More]interceptors:0.0.4 -> 0.0.5
io.opentracing.contrib:opentracing-tracerresolver:0.1.5 -> 0.1.8
io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:2.2.2 -> 2.2.12
io.smallrye:smallrye-config:1.3.6 -> 1.3.9
io.smallrye:smallrye-opentracing:1.3.0 -> 1.3.2
io.undertow.js:undertow-js:1.0.2.Final -> 1.0.3.Final
joda-time:joda-time:2.9.7 -> 2.9.9
net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy:1.9.11 -> 1.9.16
org.apache.avro:avro:1.7.6 -> 1.7.7
org.apache.james:apache-mime4j:0.6 -> 0.6.1
org.apache.myfaces.core:myfaces-api:2.3.1 -> 2.3.4
org.apache.openjpa:openjpa-kernel:2.4.2 -> 2.4.3
org.apache.qpid:proton-j:0.33.1 -> 0.33.2
org.cryptacular:cryptacular:1.2.0 -> 1.2.3
org.eclipse:yasson:1.0.3 -> 1.0.5 -> 1.3.3
org.eclipse.persistence:eclipselink:2.7.3 -> 2.7.4
org.glassfish:jakarta.el:3.0.2 -> 3.0.3
org.jasypt:jasypt:1.9.2 -> 1.9.3
org.jboss.arquillian.container:arquillian-container-test-spi:1.4.0.Final ->
org.jboss.xnio.netty:netty-xnio-transport:0.1.6.Final -> 0.1.8.Final
org.jgroups:jgroups:4.1.4.Final -> 4.1.5.Final
org.opensaml:opensaml-core:3.3.0 -> 3.3.1
org.reactivestreams:reactive-streams:1.0.2 -> 1.0.3
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5 years, 5 months
Component upgrades report - Wildfly Core
by Tomas Hofman
Generated at 16:31:13 2019-09-18
com.jcraft:jsch:0.1.54 -> 0.1.55
com.jcraft:jzlib:1.1.1 -> 1.1.3
org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.4 -> 4.5.10
org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.4.5 -> 4.4.12
org.apache.maven:maven-resolver-provider:3.5.0 -> 3.5.4
org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-api:1.1.0 -> 1.1.1
org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:3.1.0 -> 3.1.1
org.jboss.slf4j:slf4j-jboss-logmanager:1.0.3.GA -> 1.0.4.GA
org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:1.7.22.jbossorg-1 -> …
[View More]1.7.28
org.wildfly.common:wildfly-common:1.5.1.Final -> 1.5.2.Final
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5 years, 5 months
Release Announcement: General Availability of Java 13 / JDK 13
by Rory O'Donnell
Hi David & Richard,
*Release Announcement: General Availability of Java 13 / JDK 13 [1] *
* JDK 13, the reference implementation of Java 13, is now Generally
* GPL-licensed OpenJDK builds from Oracle are available here:
* Release notes -
This release includes the following five features:
* 350: Dynamic CDS Archives
* 351: ZGC: Uncommit Unused Memory
* 353: Reimplement the Legacy Socket API
[View More] * 354: Switch Expressions (Preview)
* 355: Text Blocks (Preview)
Along with many smaller enhancements and bug fixes.
Thanks to everyone who contributed JDK 13, whether by creating features
or enhancements, logging bugs, or downloading and testing the
early-access builds.
*JDK 14 EA build 14, under both the GPL and Oracle EA licenses, is now
available at ****.*
* JEPs targeted to JDK 14, so far
o 352 - Non-Volatile Mapped Byte Buffers
* Release Notes
* Recent Bug fixes of Interest
o Build 14:
+ 8229785: MethodType::fromMethodDescriptorString requires
"getClassLoader" permission
+ 8212117: Classes are now loaded and linked by Class.forName()
+ 8228854: Default ErrorListener No Longer Reports Warnings
and Errors to the Console
* Changes in this build
*Quality Report for September 2019 is available*
Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA, Dublin,Ireland
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5 years, 5 months
Wildfly - component upgrades report
by Tomas Hofman
Promised email report on possible Wildfly component reports. Sending in
manually now, I would create a Jenkins job later.
Generated at 12:17:22+0200 2019-09-03 -> 0.9.6 -> 2.8.5
com.h2database:h2:1.4.193 -> 1.4.199
com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.9.0 -> 3.9.1
com.sun.istack:istack-commons-runtime:3.0.7 -> 3.0.8
com.sun.istack:istack-commons-tools:3.0.7 -> 3.0.8
[View More]datatype:2.3.1 -> 2.3.2
com.sun.xml.bind.external:rngom:2.3.1 -> 2.3.2
com.sun.xml.fastinfoset:FastInfoset:1.2.13 -> 1.2.16
commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:1.9.3 -> 1.9.4
io.netty:netty-all:4.1.34.Final -> 4.1.39.Final
io.opentracing.contrib:opentracing-interceptors:0.0.4 -> 0.0.5
io.opentracing.contrib:opentracing-tracerresolver:0.1.5 -> 0.1.8
io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:2.2.2 -> 2.2.12
io.smallrye:smallrye-config:1.3.6 -> 1.3.9
io.smallrye:smallrye-health-2.0:1.0.2 -> 1.0.3
io.smallrye:smallrye-opentracing:1.3.0 -> 1.3.2
io.undertow.js:undertow-js:1.0.2.Final -> 1.0.3.Final
joda-time:joda-time:2.9.7 -> 2.9.9
net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy:1.9.5 -> 1.9.16
org.apache.avro:avro:1.7.6 -> 1.7.7
org.apache.cxf:cxf-core:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-bindings-coloc:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-bindings-soap:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-bindings-xml:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-databinding-aegis:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-databinding-jaxb:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-features-clustering:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-features-logging:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-frontend-simple:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-management:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-security:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-security-saml:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-transports-http:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-transports-http-hc:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-transports-jms:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-transports-local:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-ws-addr:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-ws-mex:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-ws-policy:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-ws-rm:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-ws-security:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-wsdl:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-tools-common:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-tools-java2ws:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-tools-validator:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-tools-wsdlto-core:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-tools-wsdlto-databinding-jaxb:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.cxf:cxf-tools-wsdlto-frontend-jaxws:3.3.2 -> 3.3.3 -> 3.3.3 -> 3.3.3
org.apache.james:apache-mime4j:0.6 -> 0.6.1
org.apache.myfaces.core:myfaces-api:2.3.1 -> 2.3.4
org.apache.myfaces.core:myfaces-impl:2.3.1 -> 2.3.4
org.apache.openjpa:openjpa-kernel:2.4.2 -> 2.4.3
org.apache.openjpa:openjpa-lib:2.4.2 -> 2.4.3
org.apache.openjpa:openjpa-persistence:2.4.2 -> 2.4.3
org.apache.santuario:xmlsec:2.1.3 -> 2.1.4
org.apache.wss4j:wss4j-bindings:2.2.3 -> 2.2.4
org.apache.wss4j:wss4j-policy:2.2.3 -> 2.2.4
org.apache.wss4j:wss4j-ws-security-common:2.2.3 -> 2.2.4
org.apache.wss4j:wss4j-ws-security-dom:2.2.3 -> 2.2.4
org.apache.wss4j:wss4j-ws-security-policy-stax:2.2.3 -> 2.2.4
org.apache.wss4j:wss4j-ws-security-stax:2.2.3 -> 2.2.4
org.cryptacular:cryptacular:1.2.0 -> 1.2.3
org.eclipse:yasson:1.0.3 -> 1.0.4
org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics:microprofile-metrics-api:2.0.1 -> 2.0.2 -> 1.3.3
org.eclipse.persistence:eclipselink:2.7.3 -> 2.7.4
org.glassfish.jaxb:codemodel:2.3.1 -> 2.3.2
org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-jxc:2.3.1 -> 2.3.2
org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-runtime:2.3.1 -> 2.3.2
org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-xjc:2.3.1 -> 2.3.2
org.glassfish.jaxb:txw2:2.3.1 -> 2.3.2
org.glassfish.jaxb:xsom:2.3.1 -> 2.3.2
org.hibernate:hibernate-search-backend-jms:5.10.5.Final -> 5.10.6.Final
org.hibernate:hibernate-search-engine:5.10.5.Final -> 5.10.6.Final
org.hibernate:hibernate-search-orm:5.10.5.Final -> 5.10.6.Final
org.hibernate:hibernate-search-serialization-avro:5.10.5.Final -> 5.10.6.Final
org.hibernate.validator:hibernate-validator:6.0.16.Final -> 6.0.17.Final
org.hibernate.validator:hibernate-validator-cdi:6.0.16.Final -> 6.0.17.Final
org.jasypt:jasypt:1.9.2 -> 1.9.3
org.jboss.arquillian.container:arquillian-container-test-spi:1.4.0.Final ->
org.jboss.narayana:jbosstxbridge:5.9.7.Final -> 5.9.8.Final
org.jboss.narayana.compensations:compensations:5.9.7.Final -> 5.9.8.Final
org.jboss.narayana.jts:narayana-jts-idlj:5.9.7.Final -> 5.9.8.Final
org.jboss.narayana.jts:narayana-jts-integration:5.9.7.Final -> 5.9.8.Final
org.jboss.narayana.rts:restat-api:5.9.7.Final -> 5.9.8.Final
org.jboss.narayana.rts:restat-bridge:5.9.7.Final -> 5.9.8.Final
org.jboss.narayana.rts:restat-integration:5.9.7.Final -> 5.9.8.Final
org.jboss.narayana.rts:restat-util:5.9.7.Final -> 5.9.8.Final
org.jboss.narayana.txframework:txframework:5.9.7.Final -> 5.9.8.Final
org.jboss.narayana.xts:jbossxts:5.9.7.Final -> 5.9.8.Final
org.jboss.narayana.xts:jbossxts:5.9.7.Final -> 5.9.8.Final
org.jboss.xnio.netty:netty-xnio-transport:0.1.6.Final -> 0.1.7.Final
org.jgroups:jgroups:4.1.1.Final -> 4.1.4.Final
org.opensaml:opensaml-core:3.3.0 -> 3.3.1
org.opensaml:opensaml-profile-api:3.3.0 -> 3.3.1
org.opensaml:opensaml-saml-api:3.3.0 -> 3.3.1
org.opensaml:opensaml-saml-impl:3.3.0 -> 3.3.1
org.opensaml:opensaml-security-api:3.3.0 -> 3.3.1
org.opensaml:opensaml-security-impl:3.3.0 -> 3.3.1
org.opensaml:opensaml-soap-api:3.3.0 -> 3.3.1
org.opensaml:opensaml-xacml-api:3.3.0 -> 3.3.1
org.opensaml:opensaml-xacml-impl:3.3.0 -> 3.3.1
org.opensaml:opensaml-xacml-saml-api:3.3.0 -> 3.3.1
org.opensaml:opensaml-xacml-saml-impl:3.3.0 -> 3.3.1
org.opensaml:opensaml-xmlsec-api:3.3.0 -> 3.3.1
org.opensaml:opensaml-xmlsec-impl:3.3.0 -> 3.3.1
org.reactivestreams:reactive-streams:1.0.2 -> 1.0.3
Tomas Hofman
Software Engineer, JBoss SET
Red Hat
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5 years, 5 months