FYI: This might be useful... Hawkular has a DMR client library built on top of the
ModelNode/ModelControllerClient stuff - it is meant to be a more strongly typed library
that helps you not have to know how to do all the low level ModelNode stuff to do basic
things (though it still allows you to send custom ModelNode requests).
It's here:
released here:
which includes javadoc/source jars.
Doesn't give you "everything", but it has the basics and then some for what
we need it for. This lib will get built out as we need more functionality.
Example usage:
ModelControllerClient mcc; // get this somehow - usually by
CoreJBossASClient client = new CoreJBossASClient(mcc); // use one of the provided
JBossASClient subclasses
String dataDir = client.getAppServerDataDir(); // gets the app server's data
ModelNode node = client.readResource(Address.parse("/deployment=foo.war")); //
gets info on foo.war
DeploymentJBossASClient dClient = new DeploymentJBossASClient(mcc); // to do deployment
specific things
etc, etc... a bunch of subclasses to JBossASClient that lets you do specific things to
things like datasources, logging, web connectors, etc.
----- Original Message -----
Thank you, but how do I build a ModelNode from a CLI command?
Before using JSON I was investigating how Administration Console perform
operations and I realized (using firebug) that it uses application/dmr, but
I presumed it uses ModelNode to build commands, not plain CLI syntax.
On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 5:58 AM Heiko Braun < hbraun(a) > wrote:
The DMR library can be found here:
On 28 May 2015, at 10:56, Heiko Braun < hbraun(a) > wrote:
You can already use DMR over HTTP. It requires a different content-type
('application/dmr-encoded') and uses a base64 encoded representation of the
payload ('ModelNode.toBase64String()').
You can describe an operation through the DMR API and then simply do HTTP
POST to ‘/management’ endpoint. make sure to use 'application/dmr-encoded’
for both 'Content-Type' and ‘Accept’ headers.
The response can be parse using 'ModelNode.fromBase64()'.
Hope this helps,
On 27 May 2015, at 19:54, Jairo Junior < junior.jairo1(a) > wrote:
I've been working on a Puppet Module for Wildfly [1] that uses his HTTP
Management API to perform operations (manage resources/deploys and execute
commands), but my command execution code is a little bit limited cause I
have to transform from CLI syntax to JSON. e.g.:
{"operation" : "shutdown", "restart" : "true" }
Is there any specific reason to not support plain CLI commands through HTTP
API? I looked at the code and it didn't see hard to implement this...
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