On 08/28/2014 02:48 PM, Darran Lofthouse wrote:
On 28/08/14 13:37, Edward Wertz wrote:
> Question about the first point:
> Do the 'LDAPRealm' and 'ldap' authorization resources already exist
when you're trying to do that command? I encountered a problem a few weeks ago
regarding tab-completion where, after an '=', the complete fails if there are
non-existent child resources in the path.
At that point no they don't exist.
What matters here is the model description. If it's available and
accessible - no problem. The tool just reads it and offers choices. If
it's not available to the tool, it cannot guess, unless it's gonna be
hardcoded which I'd like to avoid.
> I'm usually on EAP so it got pushed off my plate, but if that's the issue
I'll look into it for Wildfly.
> Joe Wertz
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Darran Lofthouse" <darran.lofthouse(a)jboss.com>
> To: "Darran Lofthouse" <darran.lofthouse(a)jboss.com>,
> Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 6:50:53 PM
> Subject: Re: [wildfly-dev] Two More CLI Nice To Haves
> On 28/08/14 11:42, Darran Lofthouse wrote:
>> Just suggesting a couple more items that would be nice to have in the CLI: -
>> 1 - Tab completion at the following point: -
>> When adding there is only a finite number of child resources that can be
>> added.
>> 2 - Show the default values for attributes displayed for tab completion: -
>> [standalone@localhost:9999 / #]
>> attribute= base-dn= force= recursive=
>> user-dn-attribute=
>> Anyway just a couple of ideas ;-)
> Or maybe at the point of adding the attribute name to the operation and
> pressing tab display the type, the default value and that attribute's
> description?
>> Regards,
>> Darran Lofthouse.
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