If we can document a way EAP users can use EAP 6.4 and JBoss AS7 /
WildFly users can use WildFly 9.0.0.Final in admin only mode to read in
legacy config and write it as the latest then technically no one should
be blocked if they happen to use a schema version now removed.
A general issue with parsers is we have them loaded for all versions
ever supported, could this be an opportunity to switch to some form of
factory so that appropriate versions can be loaded on demand.
Darran Lofthouse.
On 26/03/15 23:13, Tomaž Cerar wrote:
Hi folks,
we discussed on team meeting in Brno about dropping support for old
legacy host controllers
when running in mixed domain mode (having DC of newer version managing
older version HCs)
We also discussed dropping old xsd sachems & parsers as it would help us
cleanup and simplify code
in many subsystems as there are cases where we support and maintain 5
and more different
versions of parser. For example currently web subsystem has 8,
infinispan 7, ejb & jackorb have 6, ...
We still have parsers that that ware shipped back in 7.0.0 and became
obsolete in later 7.0.x releases.
Given that we decided that we are dropping support for running mixed
domain mode for host controller
that are older than 7.3.0 (EAP 6.2) as is tracked by
I would also like to suggest that we do the same for xml schemas & parsers.
*What is the downside?*
Automatic upgrading from JBoss AS 7.1.x/EAP < 6.2 version with using
same standalone.xml won't work anymore.
User would need to upgrade to WildFly 8.x and from there to 9 or 10
(depending when we drop this)
Because of replacement of web subsystem with undertow and introduction
of few other subsystems (io, SM)
this already doesn't work for 7.x-->8+, but we do have plans how to
improve that.
So, are there any objections against this?
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