This whole area is on the verge of being overhauled, feel free to put
this information in WFLY-2229 and I will take a look at the same time.
Darran Lofthouse.
On 18/03/14 13:59, Marek Żupnik wrote:
I'm Marek Zupnik. It's my first message for this list but for some time
I've been keeping my eyes on what's happening in wildfly development.
I'm writing regarding to the issue about lack of support for PKCS12
keystores in security realms
( I wanted to migrate my
system to Wildfly but in my case it is a blocking issue. I have to use
keystore in PKCS12 format in which I'm storing, among others, https
private key.
I forked Wildfly on github and made a simple fix for this issue which
consists in additional parameter "keystore-type" for keystore
configuration. Based on this parameter I'm able to create appropriate
keystore type.
Config sample:
<keystore path="keystore.p12"
keystore-password="xxx" keystore-type="PKCS12"
The changes are in my fork on github (keystore_type branch):
Before I will try to do push request, could you answer me if it is
acceptable solution according to your architecture concept? If not,
could you give me some tips how to resolve it in other way? I care about
this fix before 9. release.
Kind Regards,
Marek Zupnik
wildfly-dev mailing list