Just a brief announcement of a syntax enhancement in the CLI for boolean
parameters in operation requests. Just to advertise it and avoid
confusion with the changes in the tab-completion.
It's been quite some time ago since somebody (probably Kabir) gave me an
idea of how we could enhance the syntax for boolean parameters set to true.
I.e. instead of typing :read-resource(recursive=true) all the time
:read-resource(recursive) should be enough.
So, the presence of a boolean parameter name w/o a value would mean the
parameter is implicitly set by the user to true.
While I liked the idea, I never actually implemented it. So I mentioned
it to Jeff (jfdenise) who is getting his hands on the CLI now and he
went ahead and did it.
So now
:read-resource(recursive) is equivalent to :read-resource(recursive=true)
Both syntaxes are allowed.
False is still set explicitly, i.g. :read-resource(recursive=false)
The absence of the parameter still means the parameter was not provided
by the user.
Tab-completion has also been enhanced to suggest the shorter form for
true and still suggests the explicit form for false.
We hope you'll like it. Thanks Jeff for actually implementing it!