Am 06.07.2017 um 16:30 schrieb Jeff Mesnil
Kubernetes distinguishes between readiness and liveness. As defined, the healthcheck API
deals mainly with liveness.
Kubernetes has different semantics for live and ready, i.e how it interprets and reacts to
certain health responses, but underneath its the same protocol.
With the health api it's no different: you can model readiness or liveness checks with
it. I think the only constraint we are facing atm, is the usage of a single protocol
entrypoint. This approach disallows to have live and readiness checks for the same node
(i.e there is just /health)
Maybe we should change that to support multiple protocol entry points? These could either
be custom ones or defined in the spec. For instance rather then having /health, we could
introduce /live and /ready. The api underneath however would remain the same.
Food for thought.