Just wondering, would it make sense for Arquillian to have (limited)
support for deploying/copying things like this JDBC driver, but also
things like JACC and JASPIC modules to the application server itself?
This is now particularly hard to test, but it's clearly an important use case.
Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms
On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 10:36 PM, Arun Gupta <arun.gupta(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Cool, I think this is what he was looking for.
I've forwarded the information to him and hopefully this will make his
life somewhat simpler and create a stickiness with WildFly :)
On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 1:31 PM, Brian Stansberry
<brian.stansberry(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> You can deploy the driver as a jar, just like a war, ear etc. Then use
> the deployment name in the driver element of the datasource config.
> This old wiki article is pretty good too:
> On 10/7/14, 2:50 PM, Arun Gupta wrote:
>> I was talking to Adam Bien and he is an avid supporter of WildFly and
>> using it in all his projects now. One of his pet peeves is deployment
>> of JDBC driver.
>> He can either bundle it in WEB-INF/lib but prefer to deploy it on the
>> application server itself. Currently he deploys it as a JBoss module
>> but prefer it to be rather simplistic. His suggestion was to define a
>> directory like "standalone/lib/jdbc" and any JAR files copied there
>> should be automatically deployed as module.
>> What is the recommended way to deploy a JDBC driver to WildFly ?
>> Does it necessarily have to be deployed as JBoss module ? If yes, how
>> can this be simplified ?
>> Cheers
>> Arun
> --
> Brian Stansberry
> Senior Principal Software Engineer
> JBoss by Red Hat
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