Does this mean it is likely that in a few years we will be having the
discussion we're having now re jQuery and Bootstrap, but instead about GWT?
That's a fair point. I can't guarantee that, but we never had a CVE in GWT in the
last 10 years.
Putting on my old finance hat, we need to think in terms of
amortizing the
effort of a rework strategy over the expected life of the result.
In this respect, I'd say it's less effort to migrate the codebase than to switch
to TypeScript / React.
It also seems likely to me that aspect of the HAL tooling will end up
incorporated into consoles provided by cloud ecosystems, particularly
OpenShift. Of course you know this from your efforts in this area, Harald.
From a naive engineering POV it seems good if there is shared code between
those elements and the traditional web console. Sorry; I guess this is one
of your Pros above. :)
Exactly. I envision some basic building blocks, that are re-used in both HAL and halOS.