Hi Darran,
I'm using it and I'm running whole WildFly-Core test suite on it at
least 2 times a week.
I didn't notice any such failure indicating JVM bug.
Not saying there isn't a bug. Maybe it's hardware dependent?
On 11/15/2016 11:58 AM, Darran Lofthouse wrote:
Is anyone using the following OpenJDK version and building WildFly
openjdk version "1.8.0_111"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_111-b16)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.111-b16, mixed mode)
When I use this version to build core with -DallTests occasionally I am
getting weird NullPointerExceptions that suggest a JVM issue.
Just wanted to check if anyone else has seen anything similar.
Darran Lofthouse.
wildfly-dev mailing list
Richard Opalka
Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat JBoss Middleware
Mobile: +420 731 186 942
E-mail: ropalka(a)redhat.com