The admin console is actually a GWT application which gets compiled to client side html +
javascript, and it lives at Heiko and Harald are the leads for
that. If you feel like doing something more core to WildFly, please take a look at Jira
again and find something else.
On 1 Jul 2014, at 11:53, Chris Kujawa <ckujawa_wfd(a)> wrote:
My name is Chris. I'm a Java developer with over 10 years of commercial experience
(and more as a hobbyist) and I was recently looking for an open-source project to
contribute to so I can give something back to the community--and since I frequently use
jBoss I thought Wildfly just might be the thing. I've worked my way through the
"Hacking on Wildfly" page and thought that WFLY-717 (Add ability to launch H2
console...) might be a good place to start. So I started poking around looking for where I
might add such a link and can't seem to work out how the "App.html" page is
built in the admin console. Is there documentation that I've missed that would walk me
through this process?
Additionally, I thought that the "home" section might be a good place to add
such a link, since the other panels all seem to contain Wildfly specific functionality.
Or...perhaps I could add a new panel (H2 or even Utilities) and add the link
Thank you in advance...and I'm looking forward to giving back to this great tool that
I've used many times in the past!
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