On 1/7/14, 11:46 PM, Arun Gupta wrote:
I realized I was doing something basic incorrectly ;)
For a standalone instance, should it not show the default data source:
It's in the ee subsystem. I believe there was a thread on this list a
few months back if you're interested in why it's there. I don't trust
myself to do justice to the reasoning. ;)
[standalone@localhost:9990 /] cd subsystem=ee/service=default-bindings
[standalone@localhost:9990 service=default-bindings] ls -l
java:jboss/ee/concurrency/context/default STRING
datasource java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS
java:jboss/DefaultJMSConnectionFactory STRING
java:jboss/ee/concurrency/executor/default STRING
java:jboss/ee/concurrency/scheduler/default STRING
java:jboss/ee/concurrency/factory/default STRING
-- cut here --
[standalone@localhost:9990 subsystem=datasources] ls
installed-drivers=[{"driver-name" =>
"h2","deployment-name" =>
undefined,"driver-module-name" =>
"com.h2database.h2","module-slot" =>
"main","driver-datasource-class-name" =>
"","driver-xa-datasource-class-name" =>
"org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource","driver-class-name" =>
"org.h2.Driver","driver-major-version" =>
1,"driver-minor-version" =>
3,"jdbc-compliant" => true}]
-- cut here --
How do I know which commands are targeted to domain host controller ?
For low level operations, use the
:read-resource-description(operations=true) op to determine the relevant
API for a resource.
For high level commands, the set of commands the CLI offers is tailored
to the type of process to which you are connected. Start the CLI
(without the -c param) and hit tab from the root resource prompt; you
get a limited set of options. Then run the "connect" command and hit tab
again; the options are greater and there will be small differences
depending on whether the process is a standalone server or a host
product-name, product-version,
Because WildFly is not a Red Hat product. ;) These only have values with
EAP, SOAP, etc.
profile-name are returning "undefined".
I'm tempted to remove this from the standalone server API. It's only
relevant to a managed domain server, where it identifies the name of the
profile mapped to the server's server group. There is no name for the
profile being run by a standalone server.
Is there a typical set of operations that can be incorporated in a
WildFly hands-on lab for standalone and domain host controller ?
I've attached a text file with a kind of script (as in movie, not as in
software) for the demo that makes up the bulk of my "JBoss EAP CLI:
Ninja Management" presentation. It takes quite a while to go through all
that with me typing and talking, but it's at least an outline of the
stuff I thought was important to cover.
Ping me privately if you'd like more details.
On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 6:13 PM, Brian Stansberry
<brian.stansberry(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> Are you connecting to a domain host controller? The examples are for a
> standalone server.
> On 1/7/14, 7:24 PM, Arun Gupta wrote:
>> Hi there ...
>> I'm trying some samples from:
>> and have questions/comments.
>> 1). First one is giving:
>> curl --digest -L -D -
http://localhost:9990/management --header
>> "Content-Type: application/json" -d
>> -u u3:p3
>> HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
>> Connection: keep-alive
>> WWW-Authenticate: Digest
>> Content-Length: 77
>> Content-Type: text/html
>> HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
>> Connection: keep-alive
>> Authentication-Info:
>> nextnonce="I7Yrew1s+j4NMTM4OTE0MjA3MTE4NxXgrLGjS/rWgbUveRrchio="
>> Content-Type: text/plain;utf-8
>> Content-Length: 128
>> {
>> "outcome" : "failed",
>> "failure-description" : "JBAS014792: Unknown attribute
>> "rolled-back" : true
>> }
http://wildscribe.github.io/Wildfly/8.0.0.CR1/index.html shows
>> server-state as a valid attribute.
>> Similar error for:
>> "JBAS014792: Unknown attribute profile-name"
>> Reading product-name and product-version returns:
>> {"outcome" : "success", "result" : null}
>> "name" attribute returns:
>> {"outcome" : "success", "result" : "Unnamed
>> 2). curl --digest -L -D -
http://localhost:9990/management --header
>> "Content-Type: application/json" -d
>> '{"operation":"whoami","json.pretty":1}' -u
>> does not return pretty JSON and instead returns:
>> {"outcome" : "success", "result" :
{"identity" : {"username" : "u3",
>> "realm" : "ManagementRealm"}}}
>> release-name and release-version returned correct values.
>> 3). I think a restart-server operation would be useful.
>> 4). Why is the following command failing:
>> curl --digest -D -
http://localhost:9990/management --header
>> "Content-Type: application/json" -d
>> "address":["subsystem","data-sources"],
"json.pretty":1}' -u u3:p3
>> HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
>> Connection: keep-alive
>> WWW-Authenticate: Digest
>> Content-Length: 77
>> Content-Type: text/html
>> HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
>> Connection: keep-alive
>> Authentication-Info:
>> nextnonce="JXNHCPPtBVwNMTM4OTE0MzQ4Nzc0N5YLxVykiaapgV5zTDnV++I="
>> Content-Type: text/plain;utf-8
>> Content-Length: 184
>> {
>> "outcome" : "failed",
>> "failure-description" : "JBAS014883: No resource definition
>> registered for address [(\"subsystem\" =>
>> "rolled-back" : true
>> }
>> Even though there is a default data source already registered. The
>> management model
>> Either I'm not doing something basic correctly, the management model
>> is out of sync, or the API is not fully implemented.
>> Comments ?
>> Thanks,
>> Arun
> --
> Brian Stansberry
> Senior Principal Software Engineer
> JBoss by Red Hat
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Brian Stansberry
Senior Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat