Hey everyone. Happy Monday.
At the end of last week we released version 2.0.0.RC1 of Apicurio Registry
(product name: Red Hat Integration - Service Registry). This new major
version has a lot of changes and improvements. Here is quick list of cool
new stuff:
* Authentication via integration with Keycloak/RHSSO
* Support for groups of artifacts
* Updated Serdes classes for easier and more consistent configuration
* Support for the new CNCF Schema Registry API
* Multi-tenancy support! (This was mostly done to support MAS efforts)
* Option to store persistent registry data in a SQL database (postgresql
* Hybrid storage implementation using Kafka (simple topic with log
compaction enabled) and an in-memory H2 database
* Improved artifact searching/filtering
* New REST client using only the Java 11 HTTP client
* Event sourcing (changes to artifacts in the registry can result in events
* And much more!
For more information about the changes, you can go here:
We will be doing a lot of testing and documenting over the next couple of
weeks before releasing 2.0.0.Final. If anyone is interested in giving the
new version a try, now is a great time! (you can report any bugs you find)
You can try it out immediately using our in-memory ( non-persistent )
version by doing this:
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 apicurio/apicurio-registry-mem:2.0.0.RC1
Then go to
http://localhost:8080/ui or
http://localhost:8080/apis to either
use the user interface or see a list of the APIs we support (respectively).
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release! I think we should
be in a great position to support both our Red Hat Integration product as
well as our Managed Services efforts with this latest major version release.
Eric Wittmann
Principal Software Engineer - Apicurio - Red Hat
He / Him / His