I replied to both of your issues. Short story here:
1. The old behavior should work, as we promised so in the
HWKMETRICS-385. If it does not, then there's a bug in the
Hawkular-Metrics, not in the client. We can change this method signature
in new versions, but that old API must work (and the tests against
HWKMETRICS work also, so I couldn't replicate your bug yet)
2. There's no proper fix for this Golang bug. There's only workarounds
and the one you suggested is the one that's used in almost every Golang
application that can have whitespace in the URLs. Golang's net/url
package is just .. crap and can't follow many standards.
- Micke
On 10/29/2016 07:51 AM, John Mazzitelli wrote:
I found two bugs in the Hawkular Go Client and I need assistance:
The first one I have a PR written that appears to fix it (link to PR in the issue). I
would need someone to peer review it and merge it if it is OK. Frankly, I don't see
how it ever worked - but I suspect that Hawkular Metrics changed the REST API recently in
this area and that's why it wasn't seen before.
The second one I do not have a PR, but in the issue I mention a quick and dirty fix, but
I don't think it is the proper way to fix it. I need someone to look at that issue and
recommend a proper fix. Just need a way or a GoLang API that encodes a string for a URL
*path* (not for a URL query string, which is happening here) due to the different ways
spaces are encoded. I'd do it myself, but it's really late, and I have to get up
early to hopefully meet up with a turkey that is "dying" to make it on my dinner
table. Bu Wa Ha... BU WA HAHAHAHAHAHA! :)
That is all.
--John Mazz
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