On 18/04/15 11:10 AM, Randall Hauch wrote:
I’m using com.spotify:docker-maven-plugin
https://github.com/spotify/docker-maven-plugin) in a project other
than Hawkular, and I think it works quite well. Yes, it is easier to
use if you build an assembly with the layout, and then simply ADD the
archive via the Dockerfile. (Recall that ADD will extract the contents
of a ZIP or TAR archive, whereas COPY just copies files.) The Maven
plugin can easily build the image, register it locally, and optionally
push to DockerHub.
The main issue I had with the spotify and jolokia maven plugins is that
they don't support unix sockets (eg for local builds). The docker daemon
defaults to unix sockets, which is the more secure option.
So to use these plugins, you need to manually configure your system to
use tcp instead of the unix sockets. Which if you do it the easy way,
opens up your machine to an easy root vulnerability. Or, to do it the
proper way, manually setup all your certificates and handle things over ssl.
But, I guess I can give it another look to see just how difficult it is
to manually set it all up. Overall I really got the impression that you
gain more control over just building it manually yourself and then using
a script to push out the images after.
> On Apr 17, 2015, at 5:44 PM, Matt Wringe <mwringe(a)redhat.com
> <mailto:mwringe@redhat.com>> wrote:
> The docker images are not created and deployed to a docker registry as
> part of the build, it will just create a folder where you can run the
> docker build from. None of the maven docker plugins I looked at seemed
> to really work properly, so its still a manual process to do the build
> (and push to a registry). Its something which needs to be improved.
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