When I use:
oc cluster up --metrics=true
Hawkular metrics fails until I do:
oc adm policy add-role-to-user view
system:serviceaccount:openshift-infra:hawkular -n openshift-infra
Should that last command be part of the --metrics=true magic ?
I do not have to do that. But then, I'm running from a local master build so I have
the latest-n-greatest - maybe you have an older version?
I know when I do "cluster up" I usually have to wait a bit for metrics to fully
start and only then do I see metrics in the UI (sometimes this takes a few minutes on a
slow machine). And before its ready, I get a warning message at the top of the UI and it
only goes away until metrics is ready AND I browse to the metrics status page.
I do, however, give my "admin" user full cluster-admin rights just so I can see
everything when I log into the UI:
$ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin admin
For the record, I have a script I use to run "cluster up" - I don't just run
it "oc cluster up --metrics". There are other things that have to be done to
make sure it all works (at least that's been my experience - mainly, I have to turn
off firewalld) - this is what I use:
This also has a convenient "status" option so I can get a few status things and
it has "down" which also does some other things to clean up in addition to
"oc cluster down"