SSL by default
by Juraci Paixão Kröhling
I just sent a PR for hawkular-services [1] that adds SSL support by
default to the distribution.
I'd like you to take a moment and do a couple of simple tests of your
component against this distribution, specially if you perform REST calls
to a component endpoint.
Apart from the Agent, I'm not aware of any REST calls made by individual
components, but I'd need to be aware of any problems that this change
might cause.
My next step is to change the agent to accept certs on our keystore.
A few comments:
- The HTTP port is not redirecting to HTTPS yet. This might require
changes to the individual component's web.xml , which I'll be adding soon.
- The certificate inside the keystore is a self-signed one. Should we
ship it on the main distribution, with instructions telling users to
replace our certificate with a real one? Or should we *not* ship it?
Related question: are we even allowed to ship such keystores?
- As mentioned in the previous point, the cert is self-signed. So, you
might need to add "-k" to curl to bypass the cert verification.
- Authentication with client cert is not yet available.
1 -
- Juca.
8 years, 6 months
Reform Inventory REST API
by Lukas Krejci
Hi everyone,
Inventory's REST API is ambiguous and doesn't reflect the generic structure of
the inventory well. Let's change that before it's too late!
The access patterns in inventory's REST API predate the concept of the
canonical path that we now use extensively throughout the model to uniquely
identify the entities and because of that we're running into various issues
with the REST API. From slight inconveniences to outright breakage due to
ambiguous URLs.
Here I propose a reformed REST API centered around the canonical paths. It
should have the same expressive power as the original REST API but should not
suffer from the ambiguities and should be much more cohesive and "logical".
The only thing that was possible using 1 call in the old API that will require
2 calls in the new API is disassociation of 2 entities (i.e. disassociate a
metric from a resource, etc.). These operations are IMHO rather rare so I am
not too worried about this.
I'd like to know your opinions on the new API:
URIs below are defined in EBNF,
CP stands for canonical path of some entity,
REL stands for a name of some relationship (pre-defined or user defined)
== sync endpoint
URI = "/", "sync", "/", CP;
This is the same as it is currently. There is a parallel thread from the last
week about the evolution of sync that will be addressed, too.
== bulk endpoint
URI = "/", "bulk";
might go away - we have sync doing almost the same thing
This is a little bit complex but what this does is that it enhances a
canonical path as is currently known with the ability to define filters on
each path progression step.
Basically, this is an attempt to express a graph traversal using an URL.
ANY = ? just a URI path-escaped string representing an entity ID or
relationship name ? ;
FILTER_NAME = "type" | "id" | "name" | "cp" | "identical" | "propertyName" |
"propertyValue" ;
FILTER = FILTER_NAME , [ "=", ANY ] ; (* value is not required for the
"identical" filter *)
PATH_SEGMENT_TYPE = "t" | "e" | "mp" | "f" | "rt" | "mt" | "ot" | "r" | "m" |
"d" ;
WELL_KNOWN_REL = "contains" | "defines" | "incorporates" | "isParentOf" ;
DIR_FILTER = ";", ( "in" | "out" | "both" )
REL_FILTER = ( "propertyName" | "propertyValue"), "=", ANY ;
} ;
RETURN_TYPE = "" | "treeHash" ;
The "identical" bit is currently not present in the REST API but is in the
Java API. What it'd do here is that it would "widen" the start of the query
from the one entity specified by the CP to all entities that are identical to
it according to the identity hash rules (same id, same significant structure).
This is useful for scenarios like "querying all EAPs". The way this would work
is that you'd have your resource type that you expect defined and a global
level, possibly contained in a metadata pack. You'd then look for resources
that are defined by the resource types identical to yours. Because feeds are
free to (re-)define their resource types, this would match resources from
feeds that have types identical to the global one. Note that there is no
special relationship needed between the types - inventory figures this out
automagically. This way we loosen the requirement for synchronizing the
updates to the types defined by feeds and the user at the cost of "eventually
consistent behavior" once the parties upgrade at their own pace.
=== Examples
==== Return a tenant
==== Access Entity By Canonical Path
This is actually equivalent to:
which is no longer a canonical path but showcases how we declare "hops" over
specific relationships. "rl;contains;out" translates to "relationship with
name contains in the outgoing direction" and is implicit, if no other "hop"
between entities is specified.
To return the tree hash of the entity instead of the entity itself, one can:
Note that the tenant in the path is optional because it can be deduced from
the authorization details.
==== Accessing Targets of Relationships
This is equivalent to the current
(notice the trailing slash)
"give me all children of resource with id 'resource_id'".
==== Accessing Relationships
(notice the lack of trailing slash)
"find all the 'contains' relationships going out of the feed with id
To access a single relationship with known id:
==== More Complex Example
"get a feed with id 'feed_id' and find all resource types called "My EAP" that
it contains and all other resource types that are identical to it (them). Then
find all the resources that those resource types define and find all the
resources (recursively) that those resources are parents of."
=== Query Parameters
==== Paging `per_page`, `page`, `sort`, `order`
Paging is very expensive, because it implies fully iterating through the
result set (to be able to sort or determine the total). We may think about
some kind of server-side "live result set" that would hold the results on the
server and be accessed using some kind of token (with a TTL). This is how
neo4j does it and would avoid having to fetch the full result set on each
paged request.
==== `recursive`
This causes the last hop (relationship + entity filter) to be recursively
searched and added to the results. Tinkerpop defines a more generic concept of
"loop" using a label as a marker of the start of the "recursive hop" but I
don't think we need to be that powerful in a REST interface. Advanced users
may want to use the `query` endpoint with the full power of Gremlin query.
URI = "/", CP, "/", "resource" | "metric" | "resourceType" | ...;
The idea here is that you can create the entities only at their canonical
positions. While the Java API allows for creation after a non-canonical
traversal, I think this would be unnecessarily complicated for the REST API.
The users would pass the familiar blueprint objects to these endpoints as they
do currently.
/feed - send a feed blueprint and this will create a new feed
/resourceType - send a resource type blueprint and it will create a new global
resource type
/f;feed/resourceType - creates a feed-local resource type
URI = "/", CP
just send an update object corresponding to the type of entity on the path
URI = "/", CP
deletes the entity on the path
disassociation needs to be 2 steps - find the relationship in question and
delete the relationship, e.g.:
GET /f;feed_id/r;resource/rl;defines
DELETE /rl;id-found-in-the-results-from-the-previous-query
== Advanced Querying
URI = "/", "query"
free form, read-only gremlin query for more complex queries (this needs
to wait for the port to Tinkerpop3)
8 years, 6 months
BTM or not BTM, that is the question
by Gary Brown
Hi all
As discussed in the recent blog (and demo), Hawkular BTM now provides Application Performance Management (APM), Distributed Tracing (DT) and Business Transaction Management (BTM).
The project was initially started to address the third area, hence being called BTM - however BTM requires the collection of the information used to provide APM and DT - and providing those other views on the information is useful to users.
Due to the wider scope, just wondering whether the BTM name is now misleading. If a project component rename was considered a good idea, then now would probably be the best time to do it, before getting close to a stable 1.0 version?
So two questions:
1) Is a component rename a good idea?
2) If so, any suggestions for a name, either some generic term that encapsulates APM, DT and BTM - or alternatively a completely unrelated name (but then it would not follow the pattern used by other Hawkular components).
8 years, 7 months
Metrics: Cassandra Driver timeouts during the build
by Peter Palaga
Hi *,
Short version: doubling the read timeouts [1] for all three uses of
Cassandra Driver solved the problem for me. Is this a good idea? Can
anybody see a better solution to my problem?
Long version:
As some of you already know from my complaints on IRC, I have not been
able to build Metrics since a couple of weeks.
My builds failed mostly on core-services but sometimes also in
configuration-service and resr-tests-jaxrs, the error always being the same:
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All
host(s) tried for query failed (tried: /
[/] Timed out waiting for server response))
The whole build log:
This started happening at some point after my PR was merged. I do
not say this PR is the cause, this is just an attempt to narrow down the
set of commits that might have introduced the problem.
As nobody else (incl. Travis) complained about anything similar, I was
thinking the issue must be somewhere in my environment. I double checked
I use the right Cassandra version, ulimits, Java version, Maven version,
system updates, but nothing helped.
Then I tried doubling the read timeouts [1] for all three uses of
Cassandra Driver and the build started passing again. Is this a good
idea? Can anybody see a better solution to my problem?
8 years, 7 months
Progress Report on Android Client of Hawkular
by Anuj Garg
I am Anuj. Final year computer Science graduation student and currently
working on Android Client of Hawkular as my GSoC Project.
It is my first report of what is going on the client recently.
*What have been accomplished till yet*
-> A detail screen for alert have been introduced from where you can change
the state of alert read important detail about it. Read and send comments
on the alert.
-> Previously Android client showed only Open Alerts which have been
changed to something similar server. By it shows {OPEN & ACK} when you
press '+' sign it includes resolved alerts.
-> As more status type of alerts are being displayed so, state of alert is
also added in the list view. For which I need some suggestions if this one
is OK, or I should use symbols instead.
*Video of current work*
*What to come soon*
-> From detailed alert, jump to trigger to view or alter the trigger.
-> Tabbed pane for list of alerts and associated triggers with that
-> Detail screen of triggers with enabling, disabling the trigger.
Please suggest if any changes are to be done.
Anuj Garg
8 years, 7 months
Hawkular Data Mining 0.2.0.Final Released
by Pavol Loffay
I'm happy to announce release 0.2.0.Final of Hawkular Data Mining.
List of major changes:
- Getting historical metrics from Hawkular Metrics
- Calculation of prediction/confidence intervals of predicted points
- Improved REST API for more specific configuration of automatic
8 years, 7 months
inventory standalone server
by Austin Kuo
Hi all,
I’m currently trying to report vertx instance to inventory, therefore I am
doing some experiments that is communicating to the server with REST API.
Wondering if there’s a way not to run an entire hawkular server (because
i’m working on my laptop) but the inventory component alone? or any other
better way to do that?
8 years, 7 months
Hawkular BTM 0.8.0.Final
by Gary Brown
Hi all
I'm pleased to announce the availability of version 0.8.0.Final of the Hawkular BTM project. The release can be found here:
The main focus for this release has been adding Distributed Tracing capabilities to the project, and general UI improvements:
* Distributed Tracing
- New UI tab to display aggregated end to end view of activities across a distributed application
- Supporting REST operations
* Numerous UI improvements, including
- Simplified Business Transaction overview page, including active and disabled business transactions
- Common filter sidebar used by Application Performance and Distributed Tracing pages
- Filtering on inclusion/exclusion of properties and/or faults
- Finer grained control over start/end date and time on Application Performance and Distributed Tracing pages
* Deriving end to end completion time
* Deriving latency information from interactions between services
* Instrumentation rules for
- RxJava
- Netty
* Many bug fixes.
I would like to thank the following people for their contributions to this release:
Alexandre Mendonça - thanks for all the cool UI work in this release
Gabriel Cardoso - thanks for providing feedback and support on the UI style
Andrew Dinn - thanks for continued (and very responsive) support with the use of Byteman
Juraci Paixão Kröhling - thanks for continued support with integration with Hawkular Accounts
Andrea Scarpino - thanks for identifying and helping to fix issues with the SQL driver instrumentation
8 years, 7 months
Running perf tests with 2 h-metrics instances on the same host - results
by Filip Brychta
I finished quick testing of two h-metrics instances running on the same host both using the same external cassandra node.
Motivation for this was to find a bottleneck.
>From previous testing we know following:
- with additional h-metric instance the throughput was increased almost linearly
- question was why it's not possible to get higher throughput from single h-metrics instance while we know that cassandra node is not the bottleneck
1 - run perf tests against 1 h-metrics with 4GB memory using one external cassandra node
2 - run perf tests against 2 h-metrics with 2GB memory each (on the same VM as previous test) using one external cassandra node (again the same VM as previous test)
3 - compare results
- for small msgs (1 metrics per request) there was almost no difference -> CPU was fully utilized -> for small msgs the CPU is bottleneck
- for bigger msgs (100 metrics per request) total throughput was almost 2 times better -> it's possible to get 2 times better throughput from the same VM -> neither cpu, nor memory, nor network is the bottleneck -> h-metrics is doing some kind of throttling
- I tried 500 metrics per request as well but I was getting timout exceptions. Maybe it was too much for this VM.
8 years, 7 months