As part of the new UI-server-feed comm work, the following now works.
In our agent config, if a resource-type has an operation defined, you can execute that
operation from end-to-end. I don't have the UI coded up - I mock out the UI with a
simulated websocket client.
These are the log messages I got in the logs to show it working:
1) The UI sends in the request over websocket - the content of the request looks like
2) The server receives it over the websocket. Log message:
Received message from UI client [AjEP4Q3X0ViCalHvAsodkve92mshxsCxJTy9PQ9r]
3) And then puts it on the bus. Whatever server is currently connected to that feed will
have a bus listener for this particular command for that particular feed and picks it up.
Log message from the bus listener:
Asking feed [mazztower] to execute operation [Status] on resource ID
4) That bus listener does what it needs to do - in this case, forwards the message to the
appropriate feed/agent. Log message:
Attempting to send async message to [1] clients:
5) The agent gets the message from its websocket. Log messages:
Received message from server
Received request to execute operation [Status] on resource
6) Once the operation is executed, the results are sent back to the server - these are
logs back on the server again:
Received message from feed [mazztower]
Operation execution completed. Resource=[mazztower~Local~/subsystem=hawkular-monitor],
Operation=[Status], Status=[OK], Message=["STOPPED"]
So you can see the server was told that the operation succeeded and what the results were
in Message.
Lots more to do. But the end-to-end is working. Need to support parameters, next. Then
have to figure out how to do resource configuration using this same comm mechanism.