OK, I think I got everything - at least, from what I could find.
There are now 7 pull requests on the following repos:
* parent-pom
* commons
* inventory
* agent
* services
* apm
* datamining
If everyone peer-reviews and agrees, I can merge and release the parent-pom. This puts our
okhttp version up to 3.4.2 and will let the commons PR run til green. Once we see that
pass, that would get merged and released and at that point all the rest of the PRs can be
re-tested via travis and hopefully all go green and can be merged.
So - I need to know if anyone has any reservations about releasing parent-pom 51 with
okhttp upgraded from 2.x to 3.4.2. Speak now or forever hold your peace.
----- Original Message -----
I just submitted a PR for h-services, and currently working on
testing for
apm and datamining - I'll submit PRs for those soon.
Just FYI: All of these PRs will be red in travis because I haven't released
parent-pom with the new okhttp dep. I wanted to get all the PRs in, see them
all pass on my box, and then ask that we merge them all in an orchestrated
dance. So I just need the stakeholders to peer review the code changes.
----- Original Message -----
> We have been using version 2.x of the okhttp library and its associated
> WebSocket library.
> Moving to the latest 3.x stream would keep us up-to-date and would be
> useful
> because we recently saw some odd behavior where the websocket library was
> spitting out warnings about resources leaking and that problem I think is
> fixed in the 3.x versions.
> So I wrote this JIRA:
> There are four PRs associated with that JIRA for parent-pom, commons,
> inventory, and agent that I need peer reviewed. We then need to publish
> these in an organized fashion (parent-pom first, then we move commons
> pulling in the new parent pom, then inventory and agent pulling in the new
> commons and parent pom).
> Also: Metrics: I noticed hawkular-metrics defines a property for a VERY old
> okhttp version (2.0.0) but it doesn't seem to even be using it. See
https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-metrics/search?q=squareup - I think
> metrics should get rid of that obsolete version property definition.
> Does anyone know of anywhere else we are using okhttp?
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