For the record, I just checked out hawkular-services tag 0.0.2.Final,
the dist, and I see this in standalone.xml now:
<property name="hawkular.backend"
<property name="hawkular.agent.enabled"
which means all of this will work.
But now, in master, I don't get any <system-properties> section at all.
----- Original Message -----
> This recently changed and doesn't work like it did before. I can't figure
> out
> what's wrong.
> The -Pdev build isn't working correctly (and neither is the non-dev build).
> When you build without -Pdev, the agent should be disabled by default. But
> it
> is not, and you will get agent errors on startup.
> When you build with -Pdev, the agent should be enabled and with the
> properties set inside standalone.xml. But they
> are not, and you again get agent startup errors.
> This used to work a few days ago.
> The .xsl that used to tweak the standalone.xml doesn't seem to be doing
> what
> it was supposed to do. Look here:
> See where it sets the system properties to control the agent enabled flag
> and
> the credentials? This isn't doing anyting that I can see because the distro
> doesn't have any system proeprties in standalone.xml, but this used to
> work.
> We'd get those <system-properties> elements in standalone.xml.
> I can't figure out what changed. Hoping someone knows the deal and can put
> this back.
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