(If you don't know about Hawkular Community you can skip this email
After some discussions about Hawkular Community, here is our conclusion:
- We will not have a separate Hawkular Community repository
- We will ship 2 distributions for Hawkular Services,
- one for dev/demo/quick test that will have an embedded
Cassandra, a default user and the embedded agent enabled (This is what you
get when building Hawkular Services today with "-Pembeddedc -Pdev").
- the other one that requires an external Cassandra server,
no default user and the agent being disabled.
- We'd like a simple UI to explore data (metrics, inventory, alerts),
but this is not a priority, if someone in the community is looking for an
Angular project it would be great, please contact us on this mailing list.
We would advertise that work in the "Client" section of the revamped
hawkular.org [1] as a separate download. (Note that this would likely be
purely static content and could even be made available on a CDN)
- For other side projects that are not mature to be included in Hawkular
Community or side projects, they will be listed either in the "client" or
"labs" section of the revamped website [1] depending on their maturity and
[1] WIP: