(Almost) all our snapshots are now getting published to Nexus thanks to Stefan doing the
grunt work.
However, inventory and pinger still need to be built locally (they are in different
non-master branches, and their artifacts are not on nexus).
git clone git@github.com:pilhuhn/hawkular-inventory.git heiko-inv
cd heiko-inv
git co notifier
mvn clean install -DskipTests
git clone git@github.com:pilhuhn/hawkular.git heiko-hawk
cd heiko-hawk
git co pinger
mvn clean install -DskipTests
Once you do this, you can build the integration distribution, which is currently in
hawkular repo under the branch mazz/integration-assembly:
git clone git@github.com:hawkular/hawkular.git
cd hawkular
git co mazz/integration-assembly
mvn clean install -Pdev
Go in target/wildfly*/bin and run standalone.sh to run the server. Its got bus, alerts,
metrics, inventory, pinger and Cassandra running inside "the nest"
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