The HornetQ usage in RHQ was the same. Each broker owned its own
messages. So if one broker went down those messages were trapped until
it came up. In RHQ this wasn't too terrible because the messaging use
was all internal. We'd have to decide about how bad it would be to have
this happen for bus messages. I don't think there will be any "free
lunch" for us in this area.
On 5/14/2015 1:21 PM, Michael Burman wrote:
Yes, there's a mode to support routing messages from one broker to another (store and
forward). There's however a major limitation to it:
"Note though that a store and forward network is not a solution for message HA; if a
broker fails in a Store and Forward network, the messages owned by that broker remain
inside the broker's persistent store until the broker comes back online. If you need
HA of messages then you need to use Master/Slave described above."
- Micke
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Mazzitelli" <mazz(a)>
To: "Discussions around Hawkular development"
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 4:27:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Hawkular-dev] The components, glue and kettle
Its been a while since I looked at the different distributed models for ActiveMQ but I
thought there was more configurations available than simply master/slave.
I thought you could cluster brokers such that messages sent to one broker, could be
received to consumers connected to other brokers and vice versa, with message persistence
providing fault tolerance.
IIRC, I do remember in my testing I ran two kettle instances and sending messages via
curl to one server was able to distribute those messages to consumers on the other.
As I understand it, isn't master/slave more for failover (that is, if the master goes
down, the slave takes over)?
Again, its been a while since I looked into it, but I have to believe as mature as
ActiveMQ is, that there are configurations of it we can use for distributed messaging in a
way we need. I'm specifically talking about the later versions (like 5.10 we are using
----- Original Message -----
> This is interesting. I am not too familiar with ActiveMQ, and I just took a
> look at that describes the
> master/slave configurations. To this point I have taken for granted that we
> have distributed messaging. But I have to ask, how are we planning on
> setting up/configuring distributed messaging?
> Storm does require ZooKeeper and Spark has a cluster manager component which
> can be ZooKeeper.
> On May 13, 2015, at 8:01 AM, Michael Burman < miburman(a) > wrote:
> Hi,
> More like the bus is only a JMS topic with "distributed" not meaning
> what you hoped for. Since it's based on the ActiveMQ5 it's in HA
> configuration a single broker with master/slave (which with replicated
> LevelDB storage would then have ZooKeeper and everything else that's
> massively complex to manage). So nothing like the networks created by
> Hazelcast (eg. Vert.x underlying messaging infrastructure) / Storm / Spark /
> Cassandra / etc.
> These restrictions create their own headache when it comes to scaling in
> Kubernetes for example, but I don't think we need to solve this issue quite
> yet. Creating components without locking them to a JMS is the key forward
> however as that would allow changing the implementation if requirements
> dictate such in the future.
> - Micke
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Juraci Paixão Kröhling" < jpkroehling(a) >
> To: hawkular-dev(a)
> Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:03:13 PM
> Subject: Re: [Hawkular-dev] The components, glue and kettle
> Hash: SHA256
> On 05/13/2015 11:53 AM, Michael Burman wrote:
> I disagree with the fact where the actual bus-integration component
> should reside. The components themselves should have the
> capabilities of allowing another component to connect to their
> internal "feeds" but the actual component -> bus connector should
> be in the Kettle-repository. Why? The bus-connector is highly
> dependent on the actual bus implementation. If we would change the
> bus in any way in terms of implementation or API, it would require
> changes to every Hawkular component (thus, they wouldn't be
> decoupled by design) instead of only changing the implementation at
> the bus-component.
> I haven't worked with the bus yet, but isn't "the bus" just a
> for "a distributed JMS topic" ?
> - - Juca.
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