> 1. The old behavior should work, as we promised so in the
> HWKMETRICS-385. If it does not, then there's a bug in the
> Hawkular-Metrics, not in the client. We can change this method signature
> in new versions, but that old API must work (and the tests against
> HWKMETRICS work also, so I couldn't replicate your bug yet)
OK. I noticed the tests in client worked for both. I couldn't understand why.
Now I know :) Didn't know about that JIRA.
I'll try to replicate my problem and see what's going on - I was definitely
getting an error code from H-Metrics until I ran with my PR code.
I replicated the problem. It is a bug in the hawkular Go client - see:
Short story - if tags have spaces in their values, Go client builds a bad DELETE URL and
the delete fails with a 400
I submitted a second PR - but I don't know if that would be backward compatible
either. So there are two PRs that fix this problem, but I don't know if either one is
good enough. But somehow we need to fix this, or else we cannot support tags with spaces
in their values (this is different than the issue where spaces are in their NAMES).
> 2. There's no proper fix for this Golang bug. There's
only workarounds
> and the one you suggested is the one that's used in almost every Golang
> application that can have whitespace in the URLs. Golang's net/url
> package is just .. crap and can't follow many standards.
That is --- unfortunate. I'd implement my stupid fix but, what happens if
there is a literal "+" in the string? Bah... "just don't use spaces in
names" seems extreme though.
Just to be clear, this is different than the above because here we are talking about
spaces in the tag NAMES.
So, as of right now, the Go client cannot support tag names OR values with spaces in them.
That's going to be a limitation we need to document, unless we fix these two issues.
I'll leave that up to Micke how best to solve these - because this involves backward
compatibility issues with older Hawkular Metrics servers and he'd know best what to do
there. I have two PRs for the first one, and a suggested fix documented in the github
issue for the second - but I don't know if any are good enough to push to master.