[JBoss JIRA] (ISPN-11010) Server should support config server
by Wolf-Dieter Fink (Jira)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-11010?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin... ]
Wolf-Dieter Fink commented on ISPN-11010:
I would have to load a special tag/branch for a (git) repository.
also getting the basic configuration file (infinispan.xml) from the repository as well.
But it might make sense to override some of the attributes like bind-address to keep the configuration the same for different instances.
>From server.sh -h:
-b, --bind-…
[View More]address=<address> Binds the server to a specific address.
-c, --server-config=<config> Specifies a server configuration file. Defaults to `infinispan.xml`.
-g, --cluster-name=<name> Sets the name of the cluster. Defaults to `cluster`.
-j, --cluster-stack=<name> Specifies the JGroups stack for clustering. Defaults to `tcp`.
-n, --node-name=<name> Sets the name of this node. Must be unique across the cluster.
-o, --port-offset=<offset> Adds a numeric offset to all ports.
-p, --bind-port=<port> Binds the server to a specific port. Defaults to `11222`.
-s, --server-root=<path> Specifies the root path for the server. Defaults to `server`.
-D<name>=<value> Sets a system property to the specified value.
> Server should support config server
> -----------------------------------
> Key: ISPN-11010
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-11010
> Project: Infinispan
> Issue Type: Enhancement
> Components: Server
> Affects Versions: 10.1.0.Beta1
> Reporter: Diego Lovison
> Priority: Major
> As a developer, I would like to store the configurations outside the project.
> A few changes are required before that:
> 1) Server should support all in one config file (xml|yalm)
> The config file should support all configuration available at `server.sh -h`
> Example: *config.yaml*
> {code:yaml}
> bind-address: localhost
> server-config: infinispan.xml
> {code}
> In this case, I am going to start the server with: server.sh --file-config=config.yaml
> 2) In order to have all configuration in one place, as a developer I would like to have the following:
> {code:yaml}
> infinispan:
> config:
> server:
> git:
> uri: https://github.com/infinispan/config-repo
> username: foo
> password: foo123
> bind-address: localhost
> server-config: infinispan.xml
> {code}
> Different authentications should be supported like:
> {code:yaml}
> uri: git@gitserver.com:infinispan/repo1.git
> ignoreLocalSshSettings: true
> hostKey: myKey
> hostKeyAlgorithm: ssh-rsa
> privateKey: |
> bLaH
> {code}
> It allows the team have a centralised configuration files with formal approval (aka PR).
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5 years, 3 months
[JBoss JIRA] (ISPN-9988) ScatteredStateConsumerImpl can leak the exclusive topology lock
by Dan Berindei (Jira)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-9988?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.... ]
Dan Berindei commented on ISPN-9988:
{{StateConsumerImpl}} can now leak the exclusive topology lock even in a dist/repl cache, because we have some new code executed while holding the lock:
Sometimes it causes tests to hang during cluster shutdown, sometimes it shows only as a …
[View More]thread leak:
org.infinispan.commons.test.ThreadLeakChecker$LeakException: Leaked thread: transport-thread-ClusteredListenerJoinsTest-NodeA-p42036-t1 << testng-ClusteredListenerJoinsTest << org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.cluster.ClusteredListenerJoinsTest
at java.base(a)11.0.3/jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
at java.base@11.0.3/java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(LockSupport.java:194)
at java.base@11.0.3/java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.parkAndCheckInterrupt(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:885)
at java.base@11.0.3/java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.acquireQueued(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:917)
at java.base@11.0.3/java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.acquire(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:1240)
at java.base@11.0.3/java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock$WriteLock.lock(ReentrantReadWriteLock.java:959)
at app//org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferLockImpl.acquireExclusiveTopologyLock(StateTransferLockImpl.java:45)
at app//org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateConsumerImpl.onTopologyUpdate(StateConsumerImpl.java:307)
at app//org.infinispan.scattered.impl.ScatteredStateConsumerImpl.onTopologyUpdate(ScatteredStateConsumerImpl.java:106)
at app//org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferManagerImpl.doTopologyUpdate(StateTransferManagerImpl.java:210)
at app//org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferManagerImpl.access$000(StateTransferManagerImpl.java:66)
at app//org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferManagerImpl$1.updateConsistentHash(StateTransferManagerImpl.java:122)
at app//org.infinispan.topology.LocalTopologyManagerImpl.doHandleTopologyUpdate(LocalTopologyManagerImpl.java:365)
at app//org.infinispan.topology.LocalTopologyManagerImpl.lambda$handleTopologyUpdate$1(LocalTopologyManagerImpl.java:286)
at app//org.infinispan.topology.LocalTopologyManagerImpl$$Lambda$1134/0x0000000100685840.run(Unknown Source)
at app//org.infinispan.executors.LimitedExecutor.runTasks(LimitedExecutor.java:175)
at app//org.infinispan.executors.LimitedExecutor.access$100(LimitedExecutor.java:37)
at app//org.infinispan.executors.LimitedExecutor$Runner.run(LimitedExecutor.java:227)
at java.base@11.0.3/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1128)
at java.base@11.0.3/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:628)
at java.base@11.0.3/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834)
I believe both the scattered cache-specific cancelling of inbound transfers and the adding of segments can be done **before** acquiring the exclusive topology lock, minimizing the lock duration so that we don't need a {{CompletionStage}}-based API for it.
> ScatteredStateConsumerImpl can leak the exclusive topology lock
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: ISPN-9988
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-9988
> Project: Infinispan
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: Core
> Affects Versions: 9.4.7.Final, 10.0.0.Beta1
> Reporter: Dan Berindei
> Assignee: Dan Berindei
> Priority: Major
> Fix For: 10.1.0.Final
> When an exception happens in {{ScatteredStateConsumerImpl.beforeTopologyInstalled}}, the exclusive topology lock is not released in {{StateConsumerImpl.onTopologyUpdate}}:
> {noformat}
> 15:21:54,783 ERROR (transport-thread-FunctionalScatteredInMemoryTest-NodeA-p43135-t5:[Topology-scattered]) [LocalTopologyManagerImpl] ISPN000230: Failed to start rebalance for cache scattered
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The task is already cancelled.
> at org.infinispan.statetransfer.InboundTransferTask.cancelSegments(InboundTransferTask.java:172) ~[classes/:?]
> at org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateConsumerImpl.cancelTransfers(StateConsumerImpl.java:959) ~[classes/:?]
> at org.infinispan.scattered.impl.ScatteredStateConsumerImpl.beforeTopologyInstalled(ScatteredStateConsumerImpl.java:115) ~[classes/:?]
> at org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateConsumerImpl.onTopologyUpdate(StateConsumerImpl.java:292) ~[classes/:?]
> at org.infinispan.scattered.impl.ScatteredStateConsumerImpl.onTopologyUpdate(ScatteredStateConsumerImpl.java:102) ~[classes/:?]
> at org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferManagerImpl.doTopologyUpdate(StateTransferManagerImpl.java:200) ~[classes/:?]
> {noformat}
> Because the exclusive topology lock is not released, threads that try to apply a new topology update block forever. This causes random failures with the ISPN-9863 thread leak checker:
> {noformat}
> 15:26:25,922 WARN (testng-RehashClusterPublisherManagerTest:[]) [ThreadLeakChecker] Possible leaked thread:
> "transport-thread-FunctionalScatteredInMemoryTest-NodeA-p43135-t3" daemon prio=5 tid=0x236fd nid=NA waiting
> java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING
> java.base(a)11/jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
> java.base@11/java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(LockSupport.java:194)
> java.base@11/java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.parkAndCheckInterrupt(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:885)
> java.base@11/java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.acquireQueued(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:917)
> java.base@11/java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.acquire(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:1240)
> java.base@11/java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock$WriteLock.lock(ReentrantReadWriteLock.java:959)
> app//org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferLockImpl.acquireExclusiveTopologyLock(StateTransferLockImpl.java:42)
> app//org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateConsumerImpl.onTopologyUpdate(StateConsumerImpl.java:291)
> app//org.infinispan.scattered.impl.ScatteredStateConsumerImpl.onTopologyUpdate(ScatteredStateConsumerImpl.java:102)
> app//org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferManagerImpl.doTopologyUpdate(StateTransferManagerImpl.java:200)
> app//org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferManagerImpl.access$000(StateTransferManagerImpl.java:57)
> app//org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferManagerImpl$1.updateConsistentHash(StateTransferManagerImpl.java:113)
> app//org.infinispan.topology.LocalTopologyManagerImpl.doHandleTopologyUpdate(LocalTopologyManagerImpl.java:353)
> app//org.infinispan.topology.LocalTopologyManagerImpl.lambda$handleTopologyUpdate$1(LocalTopologyManagerImpl.java:275)
> 15:26:25,923 ERROR (testng-RehashClusterPublisherManagerTest:[]) [TestSuiteProgress] Test configuration failed: org.infinispan.reactive.publisher.impl.RehashClusterPublisherManagerTest.testClassFinished
> java.lang.AssertionError: Leaked threads:
> {transport-thread-FunctionalScatteredInMemoryTest-NodeA-p43135-t3: possible sources [org.infinispan.functional.FunctionalScatteredInMemoryTest[bias=ON_WRITE], org.infinispan.statetransfer.ClusterTopologyManagerTest[SCATTERED_SYNC, tx=false], org.infinispan.functional.FunctionalCachestoreTest[passivation=true], org.infinispan.functional.distribution.rehash.FunctionalNonTxBackupOwnerBecomingPrimaryOwnerTest, org.infinispan.functional.distribution.rehash.FunctionalNonTxJoinerBecomingBackupOwnerTest, org.infinispan.api.mvcc.PutForExternalReadTest[REPL_SYNC, tx=false], org.infinispan.functional.distribution.rehash.FunctionalTxTest, org.infinispan.functional.FunctionalEncodingTypeTest[tx=true]]}
> at org.infinispan.commons.test.ThreadLeakChecker.performCheck(ThreadLeakChecker.java:148) ~[infinispan-commons-test-10.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:10.0.0-SNAPSHOT]
> at org.infinispan.commons.test.ThreadLeakChecker.testFinished(ThreadLeakChecker.java:109) ~[infinispan-commons-test-10.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:10.0.0-SNAPSHOT]
> at org.infinispan.test.fwk.TestResourceTracker.testFinished(TestResourceTracker.java:112) ~[test-classes/:?]
> at org.infinispan.test.AbstractInfinispanTest.testClassFinished(AbstractInfinispanTest.java:142) ~[test-classes/:?]
> {noformat}
> The fix should address both the exclusive topology lock itself, by releasing it in a finally block, and the {{IllegalArgumentException}}, either by ignoring already cancelled transfers or by only cancelling transfers while holding {{transferMapsLock}}.
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5 years, 3 months
[JBoss JIRA] (ISPN-11011) ScatteredStreamIteratorTest.verifyNodeLeavesAfterSendingBackSomeData random failures
by Dan Berindei (Jira)
Dan Berindei created ISPN-11011:
Summary: ScatteredStreamIteratorTest.verifyNodeLeavesAfterSendingBackSomeData random failures
Key: ISPN-11011
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-11011
Project: Infinispan
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Core, Test Suite
Affects Versions: 10.1.0.Beta1
Reporter: Dan Berindei
Assignee: Will Burns
Fix For: …
[View More]10.1.0.CR1
{{ClusterPublisherManagerImpl}} assumes every segment has a primary owner, but that's not true for scattered caches:
11:02:00,693 TRACE (jgroups-5,Test-NodeA-43570:[]) [ClusterPublisherManagerImpl] Received suspect exception for id Test-NodeA-43570#8950 from node Test-NodeB-52654 when requesting segments {1}
11:02:00,693 TRACE (jgroups-5,Test-NodeA-43570:[]) [InnerPublisherSubscription] Completing subscription InnerPublisher-1432292347{requestId=Test-NodeA-43570#8950, topologyId=7}
11:02:00,693 TRACE (jgroups-5,Test-NodeA-43570:[]) [ClusterPublisherManagerImpl] Segments {1} not completed - retrying
11:02:00,693 TRACE (jgroups-5,Test-NodeA-43570:[]) [ClusterPublisherManagerImpl] Targets determined to be {null={1}} on topology 8
11:02:00,693 TRACE (jgroups-5,Test-NodeA-43570:[]) [InnerPublisherSubscription] Subscribed to Test-NodeA-43570#8950 via 1
11:02:00,694 TRACE (jgroups-5,Test-NodeA-43570:[]) [ClusterPublisherManagerImpl] Request: Test-NodeA-43570#8950 is initiating publisher request with batch size 53 from null in segments {1}
{{JGroupsTransport.invokeCommand(null, ...)}} throws a {{NullPointerException}}, but it's not logged and the publisher doesn't retry.
11:02:10,809 ERROR (testng-Test:[]) [TestSuiteProgress] Test failed: org.infinispan.scattered.stream.ScatteredStreamIteratorTest.verifyNodeLeavesAfterSendingBackSomeData[SCATTERED_SYNC, tx=false]
java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: null
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(FutureTask.java:204) ~[?:?]
at org.infinispan.stream.DistributedStreamIteratorTest.verifyNodeLeavesAfterSendingBackSomeData(DistributedStreamIteratorTest.java:158) ~[test-classes/:?]
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5 years, 3 months
[JBoss JIRA] (ISPN-10966) StateTransferLockImpl.topologyFuture should complete exceptionally after stop
by Dan Berindei (Jira)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-10966?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin... ]
Dan Berindei commented on ISPN-10966:
Example failure stack trace
java.lang.RuntimeException: Test timed out after 300 seconds
at java.base@11.0.3/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.uniWhenComplete(CompletableFuture.java:859)
at java.base@11.0.3/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.uniWhenCompleteStage(CompletableFuture.java:883)
at java.base@11.0.…
[View More]3/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.whenComplete(CompletableFuture.java:2251)
at java.base@11.0.3/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.whenComplete(CompletableFuture.java:143)
at app//org.infinispan.reactive.RxJavaInterop.completionStageToCompletable(RxJavaInterop.java:70)
at app//org.infinispan.reactive.publisher.impl.ClusterPublisherManagerImpl$SubscriberHandler.lambda$start$1(ClusterPublisherManagerImpl.java:883)
at app//org.infinispan.reactive.publisher.impl.ClusterPublisherManagerImpl$SubscriberHandler$$Lambda$846/0x0000000100872040.apply(Unknown Source)
at app//io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableScalarXMap$ScalarXMapFlowable.subscribeActual(FlowableScalarXMap.java:138)
at app//io.reactivex.Flowable.subscribe(Flowable.java:14918)
at app//io.reactivex.Flowable.subscribe(Flowable.java:14865)
at app//io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableRepeatUntil$RepeatSubscriber.subscribeNext(FlowableRepeatUntil.java:109)
at app//io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableRepeatUntil$RepeatSubscriber.onComplete(FlowableRepeatUntil.java:88)
at app//io.reactivex.internal.observers.SubscriberCompletableObserver.onComplete(SubscriberCompletableObserver.java:33)
at app//io.reactivex.subjects.CompletableSubject.onComplete(CompletableSubject.java:139)
at app//org.infinispan.reactive.RxJavaInterop.lambda$completionStageToCompletable$0(RxJavaInterop.java:74)
at app//org.infinispan.reactive.RxJavaInterop$$Lambda$2360/0x0000000100c04040.accept(Unknown Source)
at java.base@11.0.3/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.uniWhenComplete(CompletableFuture.java:859)
at java.base@11.0.3/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniWhenComplete.tryFire(CompletableFuture.java:837)
at java.base@11.0.3/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.postComplete(CompletableFuture.java:506)
at java.base@11.0.3/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.complete(CompletableFuture.java:2073)
at app//org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferLockImpl.notifyTopologyInstalled(StateTransferLockImpl.java:133)
at app//org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferLockImpl.stop(StateTransferLockImpl.java:38)
at app//org.infinispan.statetransfer.CorePackageImpl$4.stop(CorePackageImpl.java:155)
at app//org.infinispan.statetransfer.CorePackageImpl$4.stop(CorePackageImpl.java:153)
at app//org.infinispan.factories.impl.BasicComponentRegistryImpl.invokeStop(BasicComponentRegistryImpl.java:648)
at app//org.infinispan.factories.impl.BasicComponentRegistryImpl.doStopWrapper(BasicComponentRegistryImpl.java:644)
at app//org.infinispan.factories.impl.BasicComponentRegistryImpl.stopWrapper(BasicComponentRegistryImpl.java:632)
at app//org.infinispan.factories.impl.BasicComponentRegistryImpl.stop(BasicComponentRegistryImpl.java:499)
at app//org.infinispan.factories.AbstractComponentRegistry.internalStop(AbstractComponentRegistry.java:364)
at app//org.infinispan.factories.AbstractComponentRegistry.stop(AbstractComponentRegistry.java:298)
at app//org.infinispan.cache.impl.CacheImpl.performImmediateShutdown(CacheImpl.java:1140)
at app//org.infinispan.cache.impl.CacheImpl.stop(CacheImpl.java:1105)
at app//org.infinispan.cache.impl.AbstractDelegatingCache.stop(AbstractDelegatingCache.java:522)
at app//org.infinispan.manager.DefaultCacheManager.terminate(DefaultCacheManager.java:781)
at app//org.infinispan.manager.DefaultCacheManager.stopCaches(DefaultCacheManager.java:837)
at app//org.infinispan.manager.DefaultCacheManager.internalStop(DefaultCacheManager.java:813)
at app//org.infinispan.manager.DefaultCacheManager.stop(DefaultCacheManager.java:789)
at app//org.infinispan.test.SecurityActions.lambda$stopManager$0(SecurityActions.java:35)
at app//org.infinispan.test.SecurityActions$$Lambda$989/0x00000001008c8840.run(Unknown Source)
at app//org.infinispan.security.Security.doPrivileged(Security.java:47)
at app//org.infinispan.test.SecurityActions.doPrivileged(SecurityActions.java:29)
at app//org.infinispan.test.SecurityActions.stopManager(SecurityActions.java:34)
at app//org.infinispan.test.TestingUtil.killCacheManagers(TestingUtil.java:833)
at app//org.infinispan.test.MultipleCacheManagersTest.clearContent(MultipleCacheManagersTest.java:159)
> StateTransferLockImpl.topologyFuture should complete exceptionally after stop
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: ISPN-10966
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-10966
> Project: Infinispan
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: Core
> Affects Versions: 10.1.0.Beta1
> Reporter: Dan Berindei
> Assignee: Dan Berindei
> Priority: Major
> Fix For: 10.1.0.CR1
> When a cache is shutting down, the topology id is increased to {{Integer.MAX_VALUE}}.
> If a component uses {{StateTransferLock.topologyUpdate()}} to retry in the next topology and doesn't explicitly check if the cache is running, it could retry 2^^31 times before giving up.
> This causes {{StreamDistPartitionHandlingTest.clearContent}} to hang randomly:
> {noformat}
> 11:58:14,655 TRACE (testng-Test:[]) [StateTransferLockImpl] Signalling topology 2147483647 is installed
> 11:58:14,655 TRACE (testng-Test:[]) [ClusterPublisherManagerImpl] Segments {0-3 8 12 21-22 25-26 29 31 35 37-39 41-42 47 52-54 56-58 73-75 77 85 93-95 97-99 104-105 107 118 121-122 126-129 133 140 145 149 151-154 161 167-168 170-171 177-178 186 189-190 195-196 199-205 212-214 216-217 221-222 224 226-227 232-233 243-244} not completed - retrying
> 11:58:14,655 TRACE (testng-Test:[]) [ClusterPublisherManagerImpl] Retrying segments {0-3 8 12 21-22 25-26 29 31 35 37-39 41-42 47 52-54 56-58 73-75 77 85 93-95 97-99 104-105 107 118 121-122 126-129 133 140 145 149 151-154 161 167-168 170-171 177-178 186 189-190 195-196 199-205 212-214 216-217 221-222 224 226-227 232-233 243-244} after 16 is installed for Test-NodeA-12596#7046
> ...
> 12:03:16,127 TRACE (testng-Test:[]) [ClusterPublisherManagerImpl] Segments {0-3 8 12 21-22 25-26 29 31 35 37-39 41-42 47 52-54 56-58 73-75 77 85 93-95 97-99 104-105 107 118 121-122 126-129 133 140 145 149 151-154 161 167-168 170-171 177-178 186 189-190 195-196 199-205 212-214 216-217 221-222 224 226-227 232-233 243-244} not completed - retrying
> 12:03:16,127 TRACE (testng-Test:[]) [ClusterPublisherManagerImpl] Retrying segments {0-3 8 12 21-22 25-26 29 31 35 37-39 41-42 47 52-54 56-58 73-75 77 85 93-95 97-99 104-105 107 118 121-122 126-129 133 140 145 149 151-154 161 167-168 170-171 177-178 186 189-190 195-196 199-205 212-214 216-217 221-222 224 226-227 232-233 243-244} after 16 is installed for Test-NodeA-12596#7046
> ...
> {noformat}
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[View Less]
5 years, 3 months
[JBoss JIRA] (ISPN-11010) Server should support config server
by Diego Lovison (Jira)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-11010?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin... ]
Diego Lovison commented on ISPN-11010:
@wdfink Please take a look
> Server should support config server
> -----------------------------------
> Key: ISPN-11010
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-11010
> Project: Infinispan
> Issue Type: Enhancement
> Components: Server
> …
[View More]Affects Versions: 10.1.0.Beta1
> Reporter: Diego Lovison
> Priority: Major
> As a developer, I would like to store the configurations outside the project.
> A few changes are required before that:
> 1) Server should support all in one config file (xml|yalm)
> The config file should support all configuration available at `server.sh -h`
> Example: *config.yaml*
> {code:yaml}
> bind-address: localhost
> server-config: infinispan.xml
> {code}
> In this case, I am going to start the server with: server.sh --file-config=config.yaml
> 2) In order to have all configuration in one place, as a developer I would like to have the following:
> {code:yaml}
> infinispan:
> config:
> server:
> git:
> uri: https://github.com/infinispan/config-repo
> username: foo
> password: foo123
> bind-address: localhost
> server-config: infinispan.xml
> {code}
> Different authentications should be supported like:
> {code:yaml}
> uri: git@gitserver.com:infinispan/repo1.git
> ignoreLocalSshSettings: true
> hostKey: myKey
> hostKeyAlgorithm: ssh-rsa
> privateKey: |
> bLaH
> {code}
> It allows the team have a centralised configuration files with formal approval (aka PR).
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[View Less]
5 years, 3 months
[JBoss JIRA] (ISPN-11010) Server should support config server
by Diego Lovison (Jira)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-11010?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin... ]
Diego Lovison edited comment on ISPN-11010 at 11/29/19 11:26 AM:
[~wdfink] Please take a look
was (Author: dlovison):
@wdfink Please take a look
> Server should support config server
> -----------------------------------
> Key: ISPN-11010
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-11010
> …
[View More] Project: Infinispan
> Issue Type: Enhancement
> Components: Server
> Affects Versions: 10.1.0.Beta1
> Reporter: Diego Lovison
> Priority: Major
> As a developer, I would like to store the configurations outside the project.
> A few changes are required before that:
> 1) Server should support all in one config file (xml|yalm)
> The config file should support all configuration available at `server.sh -h`
> Example: *config.yaml*
> {code:yaml}
> bind-address: localhost
> server-config: infinispan.xml
> {code}
> In this case, I am going to start the server with: server.sh --file-config=config.yaml
> 2) In order to have all configuration in one place, as a developer I would like to have the following:
> {code:yaml}
> infinispan:
> config:
> server:
> git:
> uri: https://github.com/infinispan/config-repo
> username: foo
> password: foo123
> bind-address: localhost
> server-config: infinispan.xml
> {code}
> Different authentications should be supported like:
> {code:yaml}
> uri: git@gitserver.com:infinispan/repo1.git
> ignoreLocalSshSettings: true
> hostKey: myKey
> hostKeyAlgorithm: ssh-rsa
> privateKey: |
> bLaH
> {code}
> It allows the team have a centralised configuration files with formal approval (aka PR).
This message was sent by Atlassian Jira
[View Less]
5 years, 3 months
[JBoss JIRA] (ISPN-11010) Server should support config server
by Diego Lovison (Jira)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-11010?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin... ]
Diego Lovison updated ISPN-11010:
Comment: was deleted
(was: [~wfink] Please review)
> Server should support config server
> -----------------------------------
> Key: ISPN-11010
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-11010
> Project: Infinispan
> Issue Type: Enhancement
> …
[View More]Components: Server
> Affects Versions: 10.1.0.Beta1
> Reporter: Diego Lovison
> Priority: Major
> As a developer, I would like to store the configurations outside the project.
> A few changes are required before that:
> 1) Server should support all in one config file (xml|yalm)
> The config file should support all configuration available at `server.sh -h`
> Example: *config.yaml*
> {code:yaml}
> bind-address: localhost
> server-config: infinispan.xml
> {code}
> In this case, I am going to start the server with: server.sh --file-config=config.yaml
> 2) In order to have all configuration in one place, as a developer I would like to have the following:
> {code:yaml}
> infinispan:
> config:
> server:
> git:
> uri: https://github.com/infinispan/config-repo
> username: foo
> password: foo123
> bind-address: localhost
> server-config: infinispan.xml
> {code}
> Different authentications should be supported like:
> {code:yaml}
> uri: git@gitserver.com:infinispan/repo1.git
> ignoreLocalSshSettings: true
> hostKey: myKey
> hostKeyAlgorithm: ssh-rsa
> privateKey: |
> bLaH
> {code}
> It allows the team have a centralised configuration files with formal approval (aka PR).
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[View Less]
5 years, 3 months
[JBoss JIRA] (ISPN-11010) Server should support config server
by Diego Lovison (Jira)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-11010?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin... ]
Diego Lovison commented on ISPN-11010:
[~wfink] Please review
> Server should support config server
> -----------------------------------
> Key: ISPN-11010
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-11010
> Project: Infinispan
> Issue Type: Enhancement
> Components: Server
> …
[View More]Affects Versions: 10.1.0.Beta1
> Reporter: Diego Lovison
> Priority: Major
> As a developer, I would like to store the configurations outside the project.
> A few changes are required before that:
> 1) Server should support all in one config file (xml|yalm)
> The config file should support all configuration available at `server.sh -h`
> Example: *config.yaml*
> {code:yaml}
> bind-address: localhost
> server-config: infinispan.xml
> {code}
> In this case, I am going to start the server with: server.sh --file-config=config.yaml
> 2) In order to have all configuration in one place, as a developer I would like to have the following:
> {code:yaml}
> infinispan:
> config:
> server:
> git:
> uri: https://github.com/infinispan/config-repo
> username: foo
> password: foo123
> bind-address: localhost
> server-config: infinispan.xml
> {code}
> Different authentications should be supported like:
> {code:yaml}
> uri: git@gitserver.com:infinispan/repo1.git
> ignoreLocalSshSettings: true
> hostKey: myKey
> hostKeyAlgorithm: ssh-rsa
> privateKey: |
> bLaH
> {code}
> It allows the team have a centralised configuration files with formal approval (aka PR).
This message was sent by Atlassian Jira
[View Less]
5 years, 3 months
[JBoss JIRA] (ISPN-11010) Server should support URL configuration
by Diego Lovison (Jira)
Diego Lovison created ISPN-11010:
Summary: Server should support URL configuration
Key: ISPN-11010
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-11010
Project: Infinispan
Issue Type: Enhancement
Components: Server
Affects Versions: 10.1.0.Beta1
Reporter: Diego Lovison
As a developer, I would like to store the configurations outside the project.
A few changes are …
[View More]required before that:
1) Server should support all in one config file (xml|yalm)
The config file should support all configuration available at `server.sh -h`
Example: *config.yaml*
bind-address: localhost
server-config: infinispan.xml
In this case, I am going to start the server with: server.sh --file-config=config.yaml
2) In order to have all configuration in one place, as a developer I would like to have the following:
uri: https://github.com/infinispan/config-repo
username: foo
password: foo123
bind-address: localhost
server-config: infinispan.xml
Different authentications should be supported like:
uri: git@gitserver.com:infinispan/repo1.git
ignoreLocalSshSettings: true
hostKey: myKey
hostKeyAlgorithm: ssh-rsa
privateKey: |
It allows the team have a centralised configuration files with formal approval (aka PR).
This message was sent by Atlassian Jira
[View Less]
5 years, 3 months
[JBoss JIRA] (ISPN-11010) Server should support config server
by Diego Lovison (Jira)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-11010?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin... ]
Diego Lovison updated ISPN-11010:
Summary: Server should support config server (was: Server should support URL configuration)
> Server should support config server
> -----------------------------------
> Key: ISPN-11010
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-11010
> Project: Infinispan
> Issue …
[View More]Type: Enhancement
> Components: Server
> Affects Versions: 10.1.0.Beta1
> Reporter: Diego Lovison
> Priority: Major
> As a developer, I would like to store the configurations outside the project.
> A few changes are required before that:
> 1) Server should support all in one config file (xml|yalm)
> The config file should support all configuration available at `server.sh -h`
> Example: *config.yaml*
> {code:yaml}
> bind-address: localhost
> server-config: infinispan.xml
> {code}
> In this case, I am going to start the server with: server.sh --file-config=config.yaml
> 2) In order to have all configuration in one place, as a developer I would like to have the following:
> {code:yaml}
> infinispan:
> config:
> server:
> git:
> uri: https://github.com/infinispan/config-repo
> username: foo
> password: foo123
> bind-address: localhost
> server-config: infinispan.xml
> {code}
> Different authentications should be supported like:
> {code:yaml}
> uri: git@gitserver.com:infinispan/repo1.git
> ignoreLocalSshSettings: true
> hostKey: myKey
> hostKeyAlgorithm: ssh-rsa
> privateKey: |
> bLaH
> {code}
> It allows the team have a centralised configuration files with formal approval (aka PR).
This message was sent by Atlassian Jira
[View Less]
5 years, 3 months