Tristan Tarrant updated HRJS-56:
Create a Jenkinsfile and accompanying task on
ci.infinispan.org so that we can test PRs.
Currently the testsuite requires a server installed in /opt/infinispan-server. It should
instead use the maven dependency plugin to download the server from maven locally:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.1.0:copy
-Dartifact=org.infinispan.server:infinispan-server-build -Dmdep.stripVersion=true
was:Create a Jenkinsfile and accompanying task on
ci.infinispan.org so that we can test
CI for Node.js client
Key: HRJS-56
Project: Infinispan Javascript client
Issue Type: Enhancement
Reporter: Tristan Tarrant
Create a Jenkinsfile and accompanying task on
ci.infinispan.org so that we can test PRs.
Currently the testsuite requires a server installed in /opt/infinispan-server. It should
instead use the maven dependency plugin to download the server from maven locally:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.1.0:copy
-Dartifact=org.infinispan.server:infinispan-server-build -Dmdep.stripVersion=true
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