On 26 Aug 2014, at 10:46, Paul Robinson
<paul.robinson(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> A few questions...
> 1) Is the plan to migrate all the EAP related quickstarts to using Java EE 7
artefacts, or just those that are being modified/created to showcase Java EE 7 features?
IMO just those that are being created. We don’t need to update all quickstarts until EAP
supports Java EE 7.
> 2) Why do you need to "choose just specific quickstarts to be present at
I don’t understand this either.
other quickstarts (BRMS 5.3, EJB-Security-*, Picketlink,
AngularJS-Topcoat) that I think that won't need to be published to
developer-materials. Do we really want to publish every quickstart from
> 3) What's the link between
https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart and
https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts? In particular, what happens when
we move to EAP 7. Will we copy across the WildFly quickstarts, or update the current JBoss
Developer quickstarts to work with EAP 7 and Java EE 7?
WildFly Quickstarts are a fork of EAP quickstarts. We will need to merge the two forks at
that point.
> Also, note that unsupported quickstarts don't have to go in the sandbox repo. We
can mark entire repos as unsupported. This is what we are in the process of doing for the
PicketLink repo. Therefore, don't feel restricted by this. the Java EE7 qs can go in
whichever repo makes sense for them.
We can easily support individual quickstarts as being “early access” (which is the new
terminology), if that helps.
> Paul.
> On 25 Aug 2014, at 13:25, Rafael Benevides <benevides(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> We're about to start the update process of JBoss Developer Materials to Java
EE 7. But before put the hands on it I talked with Pete and we decided that it's
better to bring this $subject to discussion with everyone on this list.
>> Ticket Monster already started to be updated
>> Actually our jboss-eap-quickstarts have been updated to Java EE 7.0 on
https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart. Anyway we still miss some Java EE 7 specific
features/use cases on these quickstarts.
>> It seems that Arun Gupta has a list of about 5 features/use cases/quickstarts
that we want to show. The idea is to have these Java EE 7 specific quickstarts to be
available at
Arun, are you able to help us by suggesting what the 5 most important features of Java EE
7 are to show off to developers? This gives us a place to start.
>> The main point that we should discuss are:
>> - What are those quickstarts/features?
>> - Where will we host those Java EE 7 quickstarts?
https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-sandbox-quickstarts ?
>> - Paul Robinson,
>> Considering that the jboss-sandbox-quickstarts github structure, do you think
that it could have any issues with it? Can we choose just specific quickstarts to be
present at
>> Well,
>> This is just a starting point, so we can discuss about this update process until
we have a detailed plan.
>> The Google docs with the plan is available at:
>> --
>> Rafael Benevides | Senior Software Engineer
>> JBoss Developer
>> M: +55-61-9269-6576
>> <{a8aabf3a-4467-4e37-9bc5-48b1d7b494a2}_LATAM_RedHat.jpg>
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> Paul.
> --
> Paul Robinson
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