Thanks Rafael. That clarifies things.
I've always been unclear about the Archetype releases. Do they coincide
with the JBoss EAP release cycle or the JBoss Developer release cycle?
When do we normally tag and branch? It seems like they are tightly
coupled to the quickstarts, so should we be tagging, branching, and
releasing them with the quickstarts?
On 09/02/2014 10:38 AM, Rafael Benevides wrote:
It was changed on this commit at 11 Feb 2014 for EAP 6.2 :
After that I sent several emails asking about the Archetype
productization release process and had no replies. So we haven't any
archetypes releases (but -build-x) after that as you can see at:
Em 9/2/14, 11:25, Sande Gilda escreveu:
> Rafael, when where the Archetypes changed? The JBoss EAP 6 Java EE
> Web Project doesn't do this in JBoss Tools 3.2.x or JBoss Developer
> Studio 7.1.GA.
> On 08/27/2014 01:29 PM, Rafael Benevides wrote:
>> We need also to consider that the actual generated project by the
>> latests Archetypes already uses <repository /> on its pom.xml.
>> So I assume that we're already somehow encouraging them to do it.
>> More inline..
>> Em 8/27/14, 13:26, Sande Gilda escreveu:
>>>> For our products we have the obligation to keep it for 5 years, so
>>>> we already can't change the repo URL. Plus the fact that our
>>>> quickstarts are not available through the Maven Central.
>>> don't know where you get 5 years from - they need to be much longer.
>> You're right. If we consider the ELS of some products it can easily
>> get more than 10 years!
>>> Anyway - I believe for the released runtime pom's we cnanot add the
>>> repository urls but for the quickstart examples it is okey because
>>> of the usability aspect.
>> +1
>>> /max