We are proud to announce the latest revision of JBoss Transactions
4.17.x has now been uploaded to Nexus and is also available to download
direct from our website:
The release notes for this version are available from:
As you will see, we only had one issue resolved in this particular release:
* [JBTM-2308] - New JTS record types are not showing up in the …
[View More]tooling
JBoss Transactions 4.17.x is in maintenance mode now. If you haven't
moved over to our latest 5.x releases of Narayana (the renamed JBoss
Transactions) yet we encourage you to give it a whirl and let us know
what you think in our forums: http://narayana.io/community/
Thanks for your continued interest in JBoss Transactions!
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We are proud to announce the latest revision of JBoss Transactions 4.17
has now been uploaded to Nexus and is also available to download direct
from our website:
The release notes for this version are available from:
As you will see, we only had one issue resolved in this particular release:
* JBTM-2287 JTS mode sends an erroneous xa_end to resource manager if
[View More]prepare() returns RMFAIL
JBoss Transactions 4.17.x is in bug fix maintenance mode now. If you
haven't moved over to our latest 5.x releases of Narayana (the renamed
JBoss Transactions) yet we encourage you to give it a whirl and let us
know what you think in our forums: http://narayana.io/community/
Thanks for your continued interest in JBoss Transactions!
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