JDF release delay
by Rafael Benevides
Hi all,
Since we have a delay to the .Final release of JDF 2.0 we decided to
release the JDF 2.0.0.CR3 based on our weekly release procedures.
However Github made some changes that is stopping the jdf-site build.
More info:
Until we fix the scripts to include auth data, the JDF 2.0.0.CR3 will be
also delayed this week. I'm starting working on that.
Rafael Benevides | Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat Brazil
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
12 years, 2 months
CI for quickstarts?
by Ondrej Zizka
current master is not buildable because helloworld-html5 has mismatched
property name javaee6.bom.version.
Which brings me to question, is there some continuous integ. for QS?
12 years, 2 months
JDF 2.0.0.Final final steps
by Rafael Benevides
Hi all.
Today we released the last Candidate Release (CR2) for JDF 2.0.0. The
site is staged at http://www.jboss.org/jdf/2.0.0/
In this release we included a new subsection for JBoss Stacks Client (
Update the Roadmap ( http://www.jboss.org/jdf/2.0.0/about/roadmap/) to
move Datagrid stuff to jdf 2.1 release
The final Release is planned to next Tuesday (10/16) but we need to
complete some final steps:
* Define the tagline for JDF 2.0.0 Release
* Review the Roadmap information (
* Create a new "What's new" Post
Pete, can you handle this above ?
* back the -with-infinispan BOM out of stacks (I'll do it)
* back the jdf quickstarts out of jboss-as-quickstarts (I'll do it)
Will we have a new Ticket Monster Release or will we keep the 2.0.0.M3 tag ?
Thank you, guys!
Rafael Benevides | Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat Brazil
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
12 years, 2 months
JDF Quickstarts in JBoss Central?
by Fred Bricon
we need to clean up the project examples in JBoss Tools 4.0/JBDS 6.0 (as
part of https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12554).
So, my idea was to replace all the old examples with the quickstarts
from https://github.com/jboss-jdf/jboss-as-quickstart
Since the quickstarts are not available as standalone zips, for
consumption in JBT/JBDS, I created a script
that does that, and it also generates a project example stub we can use
almost directly in JBT.
D:\Dev\GitHub\jboss-as-quickstart>mvn groovy:execute -N
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Building JBoss AS Quickstarts Parent 7.1.2-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --- gmaven-plugin:1.4:execute (default-cli) @
jboss-as-quickstarts-parent ---
Starting zipping JBoss AS Quickstarts Parent modules
Deleting D:\Dev\GitHub\jboss-as-quickstart\target\zips
Zipped 51 quickstart modules
Generating project examples descriptor for JBoss Tools
[WARNING] module 'bmt' has a non matching artifactId 'jboss-as-bmt'
[WARNING] module 'cdi-injection' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'cdi-portable-extension' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'ejb-in-ear' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'ejb-in-war' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'ejb-remote' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'ejb-security' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'greeter' has a non matching artifactId 'jboss-as-greeter'
[WARNING] module 'helloworld' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'helloworld-errai' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'helloworld-gwt' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'helloworld-html5' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'helloworld-jms' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'helloworld-osgi' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'helloworld-rs' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'helloworld-singleton' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'hibernate3' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'hibernate4' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'kitchensink' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'kitchensink-ear' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'kitchensink-html5-mobile' has a non matching
artifactId 'jboss-as-kitchensink-html5-mobile'
[WARNING] module 'kitchensink-jsp' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'kitchensink-ml' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'kitchensink-ml-ear' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'log4j' has a non matching artifactId 'jboss-as-log4j'
[WARNING] module 'logging-tools' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'mail' has a non matching artifactId 'jboss-as-mail'
[WARNING] module 'numberguess' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'payment-cdi-event' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'richfaces-validation' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'servlet-async' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'servlet-filterlistener' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'servlet-security' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'tasks' has a non matching artifactId 'jboss-as-tasks'
[WARNING] module 'tasks-jsf' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'temperature-converter' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'tasks-rs' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'wicket-ear' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'wicket-war' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'xml-jaxp' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'xml-dom4j' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'cmt' has a non matching artifactId 'jboss-as-cmt'
[WARNING] module 'jts' has a non matching artifactId 'jboss-as-jts-parent'
[WARNING] module 'jax-rs-client' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'inter-app' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'helloworld-mdb' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'jta-crash-rec' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'wsat-simple' has a non matching artifactId
[WARNING] module 'wsba-coordinator-completion-simple' has a non matching
artifactId 'jboss-as-wsba-coordinator-completion-simple'
[WARNING] module 'wsba-participant-completion-simple' has a non matching
artifactId 'jboss-as-wsba-participant-completion-simple'
D:\Dev\GitHub\jboss-as-quickstart\target\zips\quickstarts.xml generated
[WARNING] 50 quickstart artifactIds mismatch with their folder name.
This will prevent WTP from opening the proper url when running on a server.
[INFO] Total time: 5.506s
[INFO] Finished at: Tue Oct 09 15:02:44 CEST 2012
[INFO] Final Memory: 11M/490M
As hinted in the log, the examples wouldn't quite work perfectly OOTB.
explains how the context root is inferred from the pom.xml by m2e-wtp.
However our own JBoss AS server adapter ignores the WTP project context
root and bases its deployment on the project name, leading to 404s as
seen in the video below.
End result in JBT / Central :
* are you guys ok to actually remove and replace the old examples with
the JDF quickstarts
* if you're ok, I'll setup a CI job to deploy the quickstarts to
* who's willing to give me a hand in validating the quickstarts
properly work in JBT/JBDS. That includes :
- checking the project belongs (or not) to JBT/JBDS
- checking there's a proper project description
- checking the projects are properly configured (I noticed some
EARs are seen as 1.3 instead of 6.0) and compile without errors
- checking the projects deploy OOTB on AS7/EAP6
Fred Bricon
12 years, 2 months