Upgrade to awestruct 0.4
by Pete Muir
I've reworked our extensions to use awestruct 0.4, so please upgrade.
I'll push the built site live later, once I have incorporated the migration info.
12 years, 6 months
Rafael's responsbilities
by Pete Muir
Rafael is joining us full time soon. We're going to have a meeting 23:00 UK time next Monday (9th) to discuss what he will take ownership of. It will be on IRC. Join us if you want.
12 years, 6 months
Review needed: Contributor guide
by Pete Muir
I've put http://www.jboss.org/jdf/stage/about/contributing/ up. It's a first draft of a unified contributor guide for jdf.
I've included:
* setting up ruby etc. for building stuff
* contributing guidelines
* release process
The things I'm not sure of:
* is the location right (about/contributing, appearing in the About menu)?
* should we embed the relevant bits in examples/get-involved etc.?
* is the level of the info right (conveying relevant info, but not very hand holding)?
* is there content missing that we need.
12 years, 6 months
User forums: should we dump them?
by Pete Muir
One idea I was throwing around last week was whether we should get rid of user forums totally. Here's why:
1) No one is using the user forum, everyone is using the disqus comments
2) If you think about what goes into a user forum, it's:
* questions
* bug reports
* announcements
* misc other stuff
If we dig into (2), I think it's fair to say that questions would be better addressed by a stackoverflow Q&A approach, bug reports should go in the bug tracker anyway, announcements should go in the news, or on twitter or blogs, and that I can't come up with any good examples of what other stuff there is (and in all honesty, twitter probably can cope with the rest of it).
It's also worth nothing that we can embed a Q&A system nicely into pages (e.g. people can ask questions on a specific page) probably, which I think will be a popular way to interact, especially if we integrate it well with comments.
This isn't something we can do right now (we need to look at good ways to do it) but I wanted to throw the idea out, and see if any ardent forum fans come out of the woodwork...
12 years, 6 months
Inter-module communication
by Pete Muir
One topic that came up repeatedly at JBossWorld was inter-module communication using CDI. Jason came up with good pattern to address this, short term, involving EJB singletons, JNDI, and CDI producer fields. In A.jar, we expose the service using @Singleton. In B.jar, we write an alias using a CDI producer field, that uses JNDI to lookup the EJB reference. This allows us to cleanly declare what should be exposed, will work today, and preseves the CDI programming model on both sides.
I'll write a quickstart for this next week or two.
12 years, 6 months