Stacks 1.1 format proposal
by Rafael Benevides
Hi all,
As part of the "new organization" plan, it's a good time to update
stacks format since it will be hosted on the new github organization.
I've analyzed the changes need and attached a Stacks 1.1 proposal to see
if everyone agrees on that or if should we keep using 1.0 format
Changes from 1.0 to 1.1
- Rename Licenses to Metadata
Justification: I've been using Licenses today as an metadata
section to avoid repeating metadatas like version, repositories,
licenses, etc:
Workaround: Leave it as it is
- add repositoryURL and extraRepositories to BomVersion.
Justification: I've been using labels to to tag what
repositories are Required:
- Some BOMs needs more than one repo as JPP ( JPP is built on
top of EAP 6.0.1, but it is using RichFaces from WFK 2.1.0 that
is built on top of EAP 6.0.0)
Workaround: Create an standard tag called *repositories* and add
every non maven central repository required.
So I'd like to here your thoughts about it and analyze possible impacts
on this format change.
OBS.: Remember that stacks 1.0 repo is planned to be moved to
jboss-developer github organization. So it's a good change to update it.
The 1.0 and 1.1 should coexist for a while and maybe stacks-client
should have a "migration" feature to permit a smooth transition.
Thank you
Rafael Benevides | Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat Brazil
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at
11 years, 4 months
New versioning and organisation strategy
by Pete Muir
Hi all,
Rafael, Jason and I did a brainstorm about this at JUDCon Brazil, and came up with the following proposal:
* jdf plugin for forge - longer term needs rolling into Forge core. This is issue As this is proposed for Forge 2, we suggest not altering the version or group id of this plugin
* qstools - version scheme (starting 1.x) is good. Alter group id when we do the next major release only
* quickstarts
- change group id to follow products:
- org.jboss.quickstart.eap, org.jboss.quickstart.jdg etc.
- add a sandbox group id which covers quickstarts not in products
- change versions to follow products major.minor.micro version, with a qualifier to allow bug fixes:
- e.g. 6.0.1-qs-1, 6.0.1-qs-2 etc
* archetypes
- use group id scheme same as quickstarts but use org.jboss.archetype.eap etc.
- follow same version scheme as quickstarts, but use -atype-1 etc.
* BOMs
- use group id scheme same as quickstarts but use etc.
- follow same version scheme as quickstarts, but use -bom-1
- projects will be encouraged to create BOMs as well
Let me know what you think,
11 years, 4 months
Re: [jdf-dev] [BRMS quickstart] doubt on BRMS 5.3.1
by Pete Muir
Agree, we should use B for now, until the 6 series is available. We don't want to merge this down to master until that point anyway.
On 25 Jul 2013, at 11:44, "Eric D. Schabell" <erics(a)> wrote:
> Hi Rafel,
> There is no plan to have a BRMS 5.x maven central repo. Never was.
> I worked with Geoffrey in the Drools team to put together the BOM you find in my projects and the scripted extraction of the maven artifacts and installing these locally is just like it will be once provided by BRMS/BPMS 6.x.
> As to your possible solutions:
> A - not a good way to go for the product direction we want to show with the quickstarts. Also community is too volatile to maintain your quickstarts on, there would be a lot of component integration issues, I promise you.
> B - I would stick with this just for the BRMS 5.x series, later we can move away from this as you see fit.
> C - doubt you will find any.
> Hope this helps? I sort of went through all of these problems during creation of these, starting with no maven projects and slowly working through to get them in the state they are in now, sort of mavenized. ;)
> -- erics
> On Jul 24, 2013, at 23:37 , Rafael Benevides <benevides(a)> wrote:
>> Updating the info,
>> I confirmed with Petr Siroky (added to this Thread) that there isn't an available online Maven repo except behind the VPN (
>> I think he have to take a decision on how to treat this. Possible solutions:
>> A - Move to Community Artifacts (so we can use -with-drools BOM and Maven Central repository)
>> B - Use Eric install script which works fine but the setup and the folder structure of the quickstart will not be close as we have on other JDF quickstarts
>> B.1 - Add the project under ' complex-dependencies' Maven Profile:
>> C - Choose or Think in another way to have the BRMS 5.3.1 maven artifacts available
>> I think that A is the easy way but I don't know if it is the desired.
>> Still waiting for comments.
>> Em 24/07/13 17:16, Rafael Benevides escreveu:
>>> I'm working on this quickstart
>>> and I'm
>>> facing the following:
>>> - This quickstart is target to BRMS 5.3.1
>>> - BRMS 5.3.1 doesn't have its Maven artifacts online at:
>>> - This quickstart uses a manual script to install those artifacts
>>> locally (
>>> )
>>> - Quickstarts should use Maven Central or an online Maven repo, right ?
>>> - This quickstart doesn't use BOMs
>>> - We have a -with-drools BOM that is target to Drools community project
>>> Questions:
>>> - Is there another online repo for BRMS 5.3.1 in another place than
>>> ?
>>> - If there isn't an online repo for BRMS 5.3.1, Should we Downgrade this
>>> quickstart to BRMS 5.3.0 (delivered on WFK 2.3)?
>>> - If Downgrade, what about JBPM releases (we don't have
>>> org.jbpm on
>>> ) ?
>>> - Another possible path: Should we target this quickstart to Community
>>> or this is not desired?
>>> Comments:
>>> - It seems that there isn't any BRMS Product Bom at the moment. So
>>> it will not be using BOMs with we target to Product
>>> - If target to Community, we can add everything we need in
>>> -with-drools BOM
>>> I appreciate any comments on this
11 years, 4 months
[BRMS Quickstart]
by Rafael Benevides
This is the first PR of the BRMS quickstarts to align it to JDF Guidelines.
I would like a detailed review on this quickstart (specially on the way
it is organized since it is a little bit different from all other
This are the changes made:
- Removed eclipse files (.project, .classpath, .settings)
- Added License Headers
- Added License to pom.xml
- Changed groupId, version and name to match JDF rules
- Changed pom property from brms-version to version.brms
- Added file ( I tried to keep it simple )
- Format source code as definition
The Pull Request with the changes is
I'd like your revision and opinion and since we get an approval (and
merge) those changes, I can move forward to update all other quickstarts
using the same criteria.
For the last, we will add them as git submodule (for each quickstart
under a brms-quickstarts folder) on
You did a nice job on those quickstarts!
Rafael Benevides | Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat Brazil
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at
11 years, 4 months
[BRMS Quickstarts] Update to EAP 6.1 and online Maven repo
by Rafael Benevides
Hi Eric,
Before updating brms-coolstore-demo to JDF guidelines I made some
changes that can be useful to you on your master branch. Feel free to
Basically it uses EAP 6.1 instead of EAP 6.0 and use online maven repo
on (no need anymore to
download jboss-eap-6.0.1-maven-repository)
- I've update the instructions
- Some Maven dependencies versions (some of them to match EAP 6.1)
- The script (to remove jboss-eap-6.0.1-maven-repository
- the standalone.xml (copied from brms-customer-evaluation-demo)
I hope that it can be useful for your master branch.
Rafael Benevides | Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat Brazil
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at
11 years, 5 months
Re: [jdf-dev] Need help with cheat sheet issues
by Snjezana Peco
On 7/26/2013 6:54 PM, Sande Gilda wrote:
> Snjezana made some comments in the pull, so I investigated further and
> discovered some interesting behavior.
> * I checked out Snjezana's pull to my local file system.
> * I copied his 'quickstarts/kitchensink' quickstart project to my
> 'workspace/' directory.
> * I imported the existing Maven 'workspace/kitchensink' project into
> o Note that the project name is 'kitchensink'. (see the attached
> workspace-kitchensink screen shot)
> o I clicked on the default.xhtml icon in the cheat sheet and an
> error appeared in the status bar 'Cannot open the
> /jboss-as-kitchensink/../default.xhtml' file.'
> o The file failed to open.
> * I imported the existing Maven 'quickstarts/kitchensink' quickstart
> project into JDBS
> o Note that the project name is 'jboss-as-kitchensink'. (see the
> attached quickstart-kitchensink screen shot)
> o I clicked on the default.xhtml icon in the cheat sheet and an
> error still appeared in the status bar 'Cannot open the
> /jboss-as-kitchensink/../default.xhtml' file.'.
> o I'm not clear why it's displaying that error because the file
> opened and the lines of code were selected, which is the
> expected behavior.
> So it appears the cheat sheet was created for a quickstart that is a
> subproject for all quickstarts and will not work when the project is
> moved to a different location.
> My questions are:
> 1. Is this the expected behavior or am I doing something wrong here?
> As I said, I'm new to cheat sheets. :-)
When you test a cheat sheet that will be defined as a Maven project
example, you have to import it using New>Import>Maven>Existing Maven
Projects. The Project Examples plugin will create a project based on the
project's artifactId in the pom.xml.
You can also use the project name as a variable which is especially
important when adding a cheat sheet to an archetype. See i
You can create a test project example using a Project Example user site
and test the cheat sheet with the Project Examples wizard.
> 1.
> 2. Does JDBS do something differently in the case where there is a
> parent pom in the higher level directory, in this case, the root
> quickstart pom file?
No, it doesn't.
> 1. Does this mean cheat sheets will not work if a developer copies a
> quickstart project to a different location?
The Project Examples plugin imports a maven project using the Maven API.
Location isn't important.
> 1. In the near future, we plan to let developer download specific
> quickstarts independently. Will the cheat sheets work in this
> situation?
That shouldn't be a problem.
> Thanks,
> Sande
> On 07/25/2013 12:12 PM, Sande Gilda wrote:
>> Problem solved. The path in the cheat sheet doesn't match the
>> quckstart path name. I will make a comment in the pull.
>> Thanks!
>> On 07/25/2013 10:02 AM, Sande Gilda wrote:
>>> Hi Nick,
>>> I didn't even notice the error message in the status bar. I was
>>> looking for errors in the "Problems" window.
>>> I have not renamed anything. I got that link from this open
>>> quickstart pull request I need to review:
>>> It sounds like the cheat sheet may be referring to the artifactId
>>> rather than the folder name. I will investigate.
>>> Thanks for the response.
>>> Sande
>>> On 07/25/2013 09:01 AM, Nick Boldt wrote:
>>>> The error message shown, "Cannot open the
>>>> /jboss-as-kitchensink/..." suggests that either you created the
>>>> project w/ a non-standard name, renamed it, or the cheatsheet
>>>> assumes the wrong project name.
>>>> At any rate, there's a mismatch, but I'm not sure if it's user
>>>> error (you renamed something) or cheatsheet error (invalid
>>>> assumption on project path). Perhaps Snjezana can comment as to
>>>> what happened.
>>>> Just out of curiosity, where are you finding links to Snjeza's
>>>> github fork? Surely the *published* content for JBDS doesn't link
>>>> to these intermediate / developer-owned resources, but to content
>>>> in ?
>>>> N
>>>> On 07/25/2013 08:22 AM, Sande Gilda wrote:
>>>>> I downloaded the final JDBS 7.0 GA yesterday and am making more
>>>>> progress, but it's still not working as I would expect. I am
>>>>> testing the
>>>>> kitchensink ".cheatsheet.xml" file located here:
>>>>> 'Click to perform' now works with no error.
>>>>> When I first expand a file in the cheatsheet, there are no icons to
>>>>> indicate you can do anything, only blank spaces (see 'index.xhtml').
>>>>> I clicked in another panel and when I clicked back in the
>>>>> cheatsheet, I
>>>>> see icons for Click to perform and Click to skip' for the
>>>>> 'default.xhtml' file. When I 'Click to perform', nothing happens. I
>>>>> would expect it to open the file and go to the line number. Am I
>>>>> using
>>>>> this incorrectly or expecting the wrong results? Screenshot is below.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Sande
>>>>> On 07/22/2013 05:54 PM, Sande Gilda wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Snjezana and Nick! I'm relieved to know that a JDBS upgrade
>>>>>> will help. Now I know who to contact for help. :-)
>>>>>> On 07/22/2013 04:52 PM, Snjezana Peco wrote:
>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>> command has been introduced in JBT 4.1/JBDS 7.0.
>>>>>>> This command can't be used in JBDS 6.0.1.GA.
>>>>>>> See
>>>>>>> Snjeza
>>>>>>> On 7/22/2013 9:20 PM, Rodney Russ wrote:
>>>>>>>> [adding jboss tools list - external-exadel]
>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> I am new to cheat sheets. I ran into issues testing quickstart
>>>>>>>> pull 363, so I decided to take a step back and look at Max's
>>>>>>>> basic cheatsheet-helloworld example. The source is here:
>>>>>>>> I imported his quickstart into JDBS 6.0.1 GA, went to Help -->
>>>>>>>> Cheat Sheets. and opened the
>>>>>>>> cheatsheet-helloworld/cheatsheet.xml file.
>>>>>>>> The cheatsheet.xml source file contains this XML:
>>>>>>>> <item
>>>>>>>> skip="false"
>>>>>>>> title="Welcome to this project">
>>>>>>>> <description>
>>>>>>>> It is important to force this to be run to make the
>>>>>>>> variable resolved - a simple way to make that happen is to add
>>>>>>>> an required command as seen below.
>>>>>>>> </description>
>>>>>>>> <command
>>>>>>>> required="true"
>>>>>>>> returns="currentProject"
>>>>>>>> serialization=""/>
>>>>>>>> </item>
>>>>>>>> In the cheat sheet in the right pane, I clicked on the
>>>>>>>> "Click to
>>>>>>>> perform" under the description above:
>>>>>>>> I get this error:
>>>>>>>> I also don't see any link under the "Open a file" section
>>>>>>>> either. I believe there should be one based on this command:
>>>>>>>> <command
>>>>>>>> required="false"
>>>>>>>> serialization="${currentProject}/cheatsheet.xml,fromLine=27,toLine=29)"/>
>>>>>>>> Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Sande
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> jdf-dev mailing list
>>>>>>>> jdf-dev(a)
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> jdf-dev mailing list
>>>>>> jdf-dev(a)
>> _______________________________________________
>> jdf-dev mailing list
>> jdf-dev(a)
11 years, 5 months
QSTools 1.2.0.CR4 released
by Rafael Benevides
Changes from 1.2.0.CR2
- Fixed a Bug on FinalNameChecker
- Moved FinalNameChecker configuration to online file
- Replaced skipMavenCentralRepositoryChecker by ignored-checkers feature
(made on CR3)
Rafael Benevides | Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat Brazil
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at
11 years, 5 months
Fwd: Re: Need help with cheat sheet issues
by Sande Gilda
The attachments were too large for jdf-dev list. The screen shots are
now located here:
<> <>
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [jdf-dev] Need help with cheat sheet issues
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 12:54:46 -0400
From: Sande Gilda <sgilda(a)>
To: Nick Boldt <nboldt(a)>
CC: Snjezana Peco <snjezana.peco(a)>, Rodney Russ
<rruss(a)>, jdf-dev <jdf-dev(a)>,
external-exadel-list list <external-exadel-list(a)>
Snjezana made some comments in the pull, so I investigated further and
discovered some interesting behavior.
* I checked out Snjezana's pull to my local file system.
* I copied his 'quickstarts/kitchensink' quickstart project to my
'workspace/' directory.
* I imported the existing Maven 'workspace/kitchensink' project into JDBS
o Note that the project name is 'kitchensink'. (see the attached
workspace-kitchensink screen shot)
o I clicked on the default.xhtml icon in the cheat sheet and an
error appeared in the status bar 'Cannot open the
/jboss-as-kitchensink/../default.xhtml' file.'
o The file failed to open.
* I imported the existing Maven 'quickstarts/kitchensink' quickstart
project into JDBS
o Note that the project name is 'jboss-as-kitchensink'. (see the
attached quickstart-kitchensink screen shot)
o I clicked on the default.xhtml icon in the cheat sheet and an
error still appeared in the status bar 'Cannot open the
/jboss-as-kitchensink/../default.xhtml' file.'.
o I'm not clear why it's displaying that error because the file
opened and the lines of code were selected, which is the
expected behavior.
So it appears the cheat sheet was created for a quickstart that is a
subproject for all quickstarts and will not work when the project is
moved to a different location.
My questions are:
1. Is this the expected behavior or am I doing something wrong here? As
I said, I'm new to cheat sheets. :-)
2. Does JDBS do something differently in the case where there is a
parent pom in the higher level directory, in this case, the root
quickstart pom file?
3. Does this mean cheat sheets will not work if a developer copies a
quickstart project to a different location?
4. In the near future, we plan to let developer download specific
quickstarts independently. Will the cheat sheets work in this situation?
On 07/25/2013 12:12 PM, Sande Gilda wrote:
> Problem solved. The path in the cheat sheet doesn't match the
> quckstart path name. I will make a comment in the pull.
> Thanks!
> On 07/25/2013 10:02 AM, Sande Gilda wrote:
>> Hi Nick,
>> I didn't even notice the error message in the status bar. I was
>> looking for errors in the "Problems" window.
>> I have not renamed anything. I got that link from this open
>> quickstart pull request I need to review:
>> It sounds like the cheat sheet may be referring to the artifactId
>> rather than the folder name. I will investigate.
>> Thanks for the response.
>> Sande
>> On 07/25/2013 09:01 AM, Nick Boldt wrote:
>>> The error message shown, "Cannot open the /jboss-as-kitchensink/..."
>>> suggests that either you created the project w/ a non-standard name,
>>> renamed it, or the cheatsheet assumes the wrong project name.
>>> At any rate, there's a mismatch, but I'm not sure if it's user error
>>> (you renamed something) or cheatsheet error (invalid assumption on
>>> project path). Perhaps Snjezana can comment as to what happened.
>>> Just out of curiosity, where are you finding links to Snjeza's
>>> github fork? Surely the *published* content for JBDS doesn't link to
>>> these intermediate / developer-owned resources, but to content in
>>> ?
>>> N
>>> On 07/25/2013 08:22 AM, Sande Gilda wrote:
>>>> I downloaded the final JDBS 7.0 GA yesterday and am making more
>>>> progress, but it's still not working as I would expect. I am
>>>> testing the
>>>> kitchensink ".cheatsheet.xml" file located here:
>>>> 'Click to perform' now works with no error.
>>>> When I first expand a file in the cheatsheet, there are no icons to
>>>> indicate you can do anything, only blank spaces (see 'index.xhtml').
>>>> I clicked in another panel and when I clicked back in the
>>>> cheatsheet, I
>>>> see icons for Click to perform and Click to skip' for the
>>>> 'default.xhtml' file. When I 'Click to perform', nothing happens. I
>>>> would expect it to open the file and go to the line number. Am I using
>>>> this incorrectly or expecting the wrong results? Screenshot is below.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Sande
>>>> On 07/22/2013 05:54 PM, Sande Gilda wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Snjezana and Nick! I'm relieved to know that a JDBS upgrade
>>>>> will help. Now I know who to contact for help. :-)
>>>>> On 07/22/2013 04:52 PM, Snjezana Peco wrote:
>>>>>> The
>>>>>> command has been introduced in JBT 4.1/JBDS 7.0.
>>>>>> This command can't be used in JBDS 6.0.1.GA.
>>>>>> See
>>>>>> Snjeza
>>>>>> On 7/22/2013 9:20 PM, Rodney Russ wrote:
>>>>>>> [adding jboss tools list - external-exadel]
>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> I am new to cheat sheets. I ran into issues testing quickstart
>>>>>>> pull 363, so I decided to take a step back and look at Max's
>>>>>>> basic cheatsheet-helloworld example. The source is here:
>>>>>>> I imported his quickstart into JDBS 6.0.1 GA, went to Help -->
>>>>>>> Cheat Sheets. and opened the
>>>>>>> cheatsheet-helloworld/cheatsheet.xml file.
>>>>>>> The cheatsheet.xml source file contains this XML:
>>>>>>> <item
>>>>>>> skip="false"
>>>>>>> title="Welcome to this project">
>>>>>>> <description>
>>>>>>> It is important to force this to be run to make the
>>>>>>> variable resolved - a simple way to make that happen is to add
>>>>>>> an required command as seen below.
>>>>>>> </description>
>>>>>>> <command
>>>>>>> required="true"
>>>>>>> returns="currentProject"
>>>>>>> serialization=""/>
>>>>>>> </item>
>>>>>>> In the cheat sheet in the right pane, I clicked on the
>>>>>>> "Click to
>>>>>>> perform" under the description above:
>>>>>>> I get this error:
>>>>>>> I also don't see any link under the "Open a file" section
>>>>>>> either. I believe there should be one based on this command:
>>>>>>> <command
>>>>>>> required="false"
>>>>>>> serialization="${currentProject}/cheatsheet.xml,fromLine=27,toLine=29)"/>
>>>>>>> Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Sande
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> jdf-dev mailing list
>>>>>>> jdf-dev(a)
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> jdf-dev mailing list
>>>>> jdf-dev(a)
> _______________________________________________
> jdf-dev mailing list
> jdf-dev(a)
11 years, 5 months
Re: [jdf-dev] Need help with cheat sheet issues
by Sande Gilda
Problem solved. The path in the cheat sheet doesn't match the quckstart
path name. I will make a comment in the pull.
On 07/25/2013 10:02 AM, Sande Gilda wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> I didn't even notice the error message in the status bar. I was
> looking for errors in the "Problems" window.
> I have not renamed anything. I got that link from this open quickstart
> pull request I need to review:
> It sounds like the cheat sheet may be referring to the artifactId
> rather than the folder name. I will investigate.
> Thanks for the response.
> Sande
> On 07/25/2013 09:01 AM, Nick Boldt wrote:
>> The error message shown, "Cannot open the /jboss-as-kitchensink/..."
>> suggests that either you created the project w/ a non-standard name,
>> renamed it, or the cheatsheet assumes the wrong project name.
>> At any rate, there's a mismatch, but I'm not sure if it's user error
>> (you renamed something) or cheatsheet error (invalid assumption on
>> project path). Perhaps Snjezana can comment as to what happened.
>> Just out of curiosity, where are you finding links to Snjeza's github
>> fork? Surely the *published* content for JBDS doesn't link to these
>> intermediate / developer-owned resources, but to content in
>> ?
>> N
>> On 07/25/2013 08:22 AM, Sande Gilda wrote:
>>> I downloaded the final JDBS 7.0 GA yesterday and am making more
>>> progress, but it's still not working as I would expect. I am testing
>>> the
>>> kitchensink ".cheatsheet.xml" file located here:
>>> 'Click to perform' now works with no error.
>>> When I first expand a file in the cheatsheet, there are no icons to
>>> indicate you can do anything, only blank spaces (see 'index.xhtml').
>>> I clicked in another panel and when I clicked back in the cheatsheet, I
>>> see icons for Click to perform and Click to skip' for the
>>> 'default.xhtml' file. When I 'Click to perform', nothing happens. I
>>> would expect it to open the file and go to the line number. Am I using
>>> this incorrectly or expecting the wrong results? Screenshot is below.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sande
>>> On 07/22/2013 05:54 PM, Sande Gilda wrote:
>>>> Thanks Snjezana and Nick! I'm relieved to know that a JDBS upgrade
>>>> will help. Now I know who to contact for help. :-)
>>>> On 07/22/2013 04:52 PM, Snjezana Peco wrote:
>>>>> The
>>>>> command has been introduced in JBT 4.1/JBDS 7.0.
>>>>> This command can't be used in JBDS 6.0.1.GA.
>>>>> See
>>>>> Snjeza
>>>>> On 7/22/2013 9:20 PM, Rodney Russ wrote:
>>>>>> [adding jboss tools list - external-exadel]
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> I am new to cheat sheets. I ran into issues testing quickstart
>>>>>> pull 363, so I decided to take a step back and look at Max's
>>>>>> basic cheatsheet-helloworld example. The source is here:
>>>>>> I imported his quickstart into JDBS 6.0.1 GA, went to Help -->
>>>>>> Cheat Sheets. and opened the
>>>>>> cheatsheet-helloworld/cheatsheet.xml file.
>>>>>> The cheatsheet.xml source file contains this XML:
>>>>>> <item
>>>>>> skip="false"
>>>>>> title="Welcome to this project">
>>>>>> <description>
>>>>>> It is important to force this to be run to make the
>>>>>> variable resolved - a simple way to make that happen is to add
>>>>>> an required command as seen below.
>>>>>> </description>
>>>>>> <command
>>>>>> required="true"
>>>>>> returns="currentProject"
>>>>>> serialization=""/>
>>>>>> </item>
>>>>>> In the cheat sheet in the right pane, I clicked on the "Click to
>>>>>> perform" under the description above:
>>>>>> I get this error:
>>>>>> I also don't see any link under the "Open a file" section
>>>>>> either. I believe there should be one based on this command:
>>>>>> <command
>>>>>> required="false"
>>>>>> serialization="${currentProject}/cheatsheet.xml,fromLine=27,toLine=29)"/>
>>>>>> Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Sande
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> jdf-dev mailing list
>>>>>> jdf-dev(a)
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> jdf-dev mailing list
>>>> jdf-dev(a)
11 years, 5 months
Hibernate Search tutorial
by Emmanuel Bernard
Slowly making progress on JDF-57.
The tutorial is now done (I've opened a pull request yesterday).
The remaining tasks for JDF-57 are less and less Hibernate team related
and more and more JDF team related.
Just saying :)
11 years, 5 months