On 02/01/2013 11:23 AM, Rafael Benevides wrote:
Em 01-02-2013 14:14, Sande Gilda escreveu:
> Hi All,
> Since some of the quickstarts originate in repositories other than
https://github.com/jboss-jdf/jboss-as-quickstart, any fixes need to
> be made upstream in that repository. Sometimes it's hard to remember
> where a quickstart originated.
> I know we had a discussion a while ago about adding a metadata tag in
> the quickstart README file so we would know the origin when a problem
> is found, but we never followed through with it.
> As far as I know, we merge quickstarts from the following
> repositories. Are there any others?
> The current metadata tags are:
> Author:
> Level:
> Technologies:
> Summary:
> Target Product:
> Does anyone have a preference for the new metadata tag? I was
> thinking something like one of the following. I think the high level
> repository URL will be sufficient:
> Originating Repository:
> Originating Git:
> Source of Origin:
> Any preferences or objections?
Mine suggestion: Origin
Much better! Simpler and sufficient.
Does everyone agree? If so, I'll enter JIRAs.
> Thanks,
> Sande